Category: Government
Prime Minister Erna Solberg addressed 160 of the world’s leading ocean experts. – It is essential to tap into the knowledge of leading ocean experts like you are. I therefore urge you to contribute your knowledge and ideas and provide action oriented advice, said Prime Minister Erna Solberg when she addressed the Norwegian government’s high level […]
Source: Regjeringen
Category: AmCham News
It was an evening of thanks, turkey, high spirits and charity as AmCham hosted our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner at Grand Hotel, where guests helped raise a record NOK 91.000 for this year’s charity partner – The Ocean Cleanup. Sponsored by ExxonMobil, Biogen and Hydro, the evening included an authentic American Thanksgiving meal, prepared by the […]
Source: AmCham
Category: Government
Norge var utelatt da Det hvite hus for noen uker siden publiserte en rapport om levestandarden i USA sammenliknet med Norden. Nordic country living standards are still at least 15 percent lower than in the U.S.» Det hvite hus – 23. oktober 2018 Faktisk helt feil. Konklusjon Rett før mellomvalget publiserte Det hvite hus en rapport med tittel […]
Source: NRK
Category: AmCham News
“The carrot works better than the stick when motivating companies to develop a pro-sustainability agenda,” guest speaker Jens Frølich Holte from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told participants during AmCham’s recent Sustainability Forum. Highlighting the importance of collaboration with the private sector, State Secretary Frølich Holte shared insights into the Norwegian Government’s efforts toward reaching […]
Source: AmCham
Category: Government
12. november møttes verdens ledere i Paris for å markere 100-års jubileet for slutten av første verdenskrig. Samtidig markertes starten på et nytt internasjonalt samarbeid. For første gang i historien går statsoverhoder, organisasjoner og næringsliv sammen for å styrke sikkerheten i det digitale rom. Målet er å bygge en felles front i møte med nye digitale […]
Source: Microsoft