Category: Business News
Russia’s economy is only the 11th largest in the world. Ukraine’s isn’t even in the top 50. But that doesn’t mean that a conflict between the two nations couldn’t have significant impacts on companies and their employees around the world. As Alan Guarino, vice chair of Korn Ferry’s Board & CEO Services practice sees it, risk management is part […]
Source: Korn Ferry
Category: Business News
For his 100th birthday last week, George P. Shultz, distinguished businessman, cabinet member and scholar, wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post reflecting on the single most important quality in American institutions and life: Trust.
Source: MarketWatch
Published: February 14, 2025
Category: Business News
Foreign employees arriving in Norway must stay in quarantine during the first 10 days after arriving in Norway, unless comprised by other exceptions (e.g. resided and traveling from Nordics excl. Sweden). This normally implies that many foreign employees cannot assume any work before the 10-day quarantine period has past. In order to ease the burden […]
Source: KPMG
Published: February 14, 2025
Category: Business News
With headwinds to navigate, companies are looking for a beacon to guide their actions. Drawing on input from 7,300+ C-suite executives, HR leaders and employees in 34 countries, Mercer’s latest study reveals how organizations are transforming their workforce and workplace. By comparing what enables people to feel they are thriving and energized, and by taking […]
Source: Mercer
Published: May 5, 2020
Category: Business News
Unge kvinner er mer opptatt av lønn enn unge menn. Det viser en undersøkelse ManpowerGroup har gjennomført blant over 1.000 arbeidstagere i Norge og Sverige. Her svarer 20 prosent av kvinner mellom 25 og 34 at høyere lønn er den viktigste faktoren som kunne fått dem til å skifte jobb, mot 9 prosent av menn. […]
Source: Finansavisen