Category: Government
A sweeping set of new data privacy regulations descending on Europe is leaving internet companies in the U.S. scrambling to overhaul their practices to avoid steep penalties. Companies like Google, Twitter, Yelp and Uber have in recent weeks sent notices to their users about updates to privacy policies and user agreements aimed at making their […]
Source: The Hill
Category: Government
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued the following statement today in response to the Commerce Department announcement that it will launch an investigation under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 into whether imports of vehicles and auto parts harm national security: “The U.S. Chamber strongly opposes the […]
Source: US Chamber of Commerce
Category: Chemicals / Metals
Næringsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen diskuterte norsk bekymring for amerikanske handelstiltak med USAs handelsminister Wilbur Ross i Washington D.C. – Det var et godt møte, men det ble selvsagt ikke gitt noen løfter over bordet. Samtidig understreket Ross at Trump-administrasjonen trolig vil behandle Norge og EU likt i denne saken. Det er for tidlig å si […]
Source: Regjeringen
Category: Accounting / Financial
Norway’s $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund cleared a hurdle on its proposed path to exiting oil and gas stocks. The fund won support from key academics at Norway’s top universities, whose responses are part of a hearing process. But more weight will likely be given to the opinion of an expert group, which will give its view […]
Source: Bloomberg
Category: Chemicals / Metals
Amerikanske handelstiltak og president Donald Trumps varslede høyere toll på aluminium og stål står øverst på agendaen når Røe Isaksen møter den amerikanske handelsministeren Wilbur Ross torsdag. USA-reisen starter allerede mandag. Da blir det tacomiddag i New York med norske tech-bedrifter som blant annet skal diskutere etablering på østkysten eller vestkysten og hva norske myndigheter […]