Category: Energy
Arundo Analytics, a software company enabling advanced analytics in heavy industry, today announced significant achievements in 2018 including initiating numerous strategic partnerships, adding prominent board members and expanding its international presence. “Asset-heavy companies can no longer afford to make business decisions based on an incomplete view of their organization,” said Tor Jakob Ramsøy, CEO and […]
Source: Business News Wire
Category: AmCham News
Fulfilling North Atlantic trade for over a century, Eimskip’s expertise in these rough seas connects Norwegian goods to the global market. Iceland’s largest shipping carrier — with 63 offices in 20 countries — utilizes seven vessels along the Norwegian coastline to meet the global demand for Norwegian products. When AmCham visited, we were invited to […]
Source: AmCham
Category: Trade
Ny analyse fra Skatteetaten viser at multinasjonale selskaper i Norge betalte samlet 241 milliarder kroner i selskapsskatt, arbeidsgiveravgift og merverdiavgift i 2016. Skatteetatens kartleggingsarbeid viser at Norge har omtrent 30 000 multinasjonale selskaper, det vil si selskaper som driver virksomhet i flere land. Disse utgjør ni prosent av alle selskaper i Norge, og betaler over […]
Source: Skatteetaten
Category: Government
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), consistent with existing requirements, reminds international travelers using the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) for travel to the United States to apply as soon as possible but not less than 72 hours before their international flight is scheduled to depart. Due to changes in ESTA application processing, real-time approvals will […]
Source: Customs and Border Protection
Category: Airline / Travel
OSM Aviation-sjef Espen Høiby har rekruttert den tidligere samferdselsministeren for å starte en ny flyskole i USA. – Det var litt tilfeldig at vi kom i kontakt. Vi satser på vår virksomhet i USA og vi så dette som en god mulighet, og han har jo bred erfaring fra samferdselsfeltet, sier Espen Høiby, administrerende direktør […]
Source: E24