
Little-Known Oslo-Based Discounter Is Disrupting Big Airlines’ Profit Model


Category: Airline / Travel

A foreign airline you have likely never heard of was just awarded the highest honor bestowed by an aviation industry website you probably didn’t know existed ― and it’s an honest-to-goodness big deal for the tens of millions of Americans who fly to Europe each year and, potentially, for the even larger number who in […]

Source: Forbes


Sammen om klimamålene


Category: Culture / Lifestyle

Verdens sjette største økonomi har en sentral rolle på veien mot to-gradersmålet. Statsminister Erna Solberg varslet enda tettere samarbeid da hun i dag møtte Californias guvernør Jerry Brown. – California har tatt en viktig rolle i internasjonalt klimaarbeid under guvernør Jerry Brown, sier statsminister Erna Solberg. Solberg roste Californias guvernør Jerry Brown for hans innsats på […]

Source: Regjeringen


Summary: Reception with California Governor Edmund Brown Jr.

Category: AmCham News

AmCham, together with the Ministry of Climate and Environment, hosted California Governor Edmund Brown Jr. at an exclusive Patron member reception on Thursday evening, cementing commitment to the Under2 Coalition endorsed earlier this year by Norway and California. The Under2 Coalition is a global pact of cities, states and countries committed to limiting the increase […]

Source: AmCham


This is F-35


Category: Defense / Security

3. november 2017 landa dei første norske kampflya i Noreg. F-35 fører Forsvaret inn i ei heilt ny tid og opnar eit vell av nye moglegheiter. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​22. september 2015 stod ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Noregs aller første F-35 klart, og fredag 3. november 2017 landa dei tre første norske flya på norsk jord. Dette markerer starten på den største omlegginga av Forsvaret […]

Source: Forsvaret


Norway: a glimpse of the future for the global gas station industry


Category: Automobile / Transport

A pit stop on a Norwegian highway in the middle of fields between Oslo and the Olympics town of Lillehammer will soon offer a glimpse of the future for the global gas station industry.  At the Circle K in Dal, 34 miles (55 kilometers) north of the capital, owners of the next generation of electric cars […]

Source: Bloomberg

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