Business News

Silicon Valley is coming to ONS 2018


Category: Energy

Digitalisation and new technological opportunities will be highlighted throughout ONS 2018. Learn about technological trends from executives in Google, Amazon, Microsoft and IBM at the ONS Conference – and see the latest digital solutions on display in the Digitalisation Zone arena at the ONS Exhibition. The current wave of digitalisation is transforming the oil and […]

Source: ONS


Can Norway help us solve the plastic crisis, one bottle at a time?


Category: Culture / Lifestyle

A bottle deposit hub on the outskirts of Oslo has had a stream of high-level international visitors. Can its success be replicated worldwide? Tens of thousands of brightly coloured plastic drinks bottles tumble from the back of a truck on to a conveyor belt before disappearing slowly inside a warehouse on the outskirts of Oslo. […]

Source: The Guardian


Tesla Norge økte inntektene med fire milliarder


Category: Automobile / Transport

Tesla Motors Norway mangedoblet resultatet i 2017, sammenlignet med 2016. Det viser selskapets årsrapport. Selskapet er det norske datterselskapet til Tesla Inc og utfører salg, markedsføring, distribusjon – og verkstedtjenester for den amerikanske bilgiganten. På bunnlinjen satt selskapet igjen med 29 millioner kroner, opp fra 6,4 millioner kroner i 2016. Inntektene steg til 6,82 milliarder […]

Source: E24


Norway Makes First Deposit to Huge Wealth Fund Since 2016


Category: Financial / Investment

Norway made the first deposit to its $1 trillion wealth fund in almost three years as climbing oil prices and a recovering economy again swell the coffers of western Europe’s biggest crude producer. The Finance Ministry put 1.9 billion kroner ($230 million) into the fund in June, cutting withdrawals this year to 7.9 billion kroner, […]

Source: Bloomberg


Beste andre kvartal på fire år for Equinor


Category: Energy

Equinor slapp torsdag resultatene for andre kvartal. Rapporten viser et justert resultat som økte fra 3,0 til 4,3 milliarder dollar. Det er det beste justerte resultatet i andre kvartal selskapet har hatt siden 2014, like før oljeprisen falt og sendte næringen ut i en dyp nedtur. Analytikernes konsensusforventning var at selskapet skulle levere et justert […]

Source: E24

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