Category: Automobile / Transport
Med 125 millioner EU-kroner i ryggen – og gjødselingredienser som råstoff – skal norske teknologer utvinne sjeldne jordarter som elbil- og vindturbinfabrikker i Europa skriker etter. I dag styrer Kina brorparten av verdens tilgang på sjeldne jordartselementer, deriblant grunnstoffer som produsenter av elbiler og vindturbiner trenger. Nå skal tre aktører fra industri- og forsknings-Norge hjelpe […]
Source: Sintef
Category: AmCham News
With 52 dealerships across Norway, Polaris has enjoyed a steady revenue increase since their introduction to the Norwegian market in the 1980’s. Combining off-road vehicles and American muscle, they provide the ideal machines for Norwegian terrain and nature. Founded in Minnesota in 1954, Polaris is the market-leading ATV and snowmobile provider in Norway. Having added […]
Source: AmCham
Category: Automobile / Transport
Tesla’s end of the year delivery push is being felt hard in Norway where the company just broke its quarterly delivery record with more than a week left in the quarter and became the most popular automaker in the country this month. Last week, we published a report in anticipation that Tesla would achieve a […]
Source: Electrec
Category: Automobile / Transport
– Hvis du spør om dette åpner for Uber og andre slike løsninger, så er svaret ja, sier Peter Frølich, som ledet Høyres delingsøkonomiutvalg. Mandag sender Samferdselsdepartementet et brev til kontrollorganet Esa og varsler om at det går i gang med et arbeid for å endre drosjereguleringen. – Regjeringen ønsker å legge til rette for […]
Source: Dagens Næringsliv
Category: Automobile / Transport
A few days after announcing its massive electric vehicle charging infrastructure expansion, European electric utility E.ON elaborated on its actual plan to rollout charging stations across Europe – including an ‘electric highway’ of ‘ultra-fast charging stations’ that will connect Norway to Italy. Aside from the announcement that they will have as many as 10,000 charge points by 2020 […]
Source: Elctrek