All posts by Janice Gundersen

Pittsburgh To Become Icelandair’s 12th US Destination

The company will also restart flights to Halifax in Canada after years of suspended service.

  •  Icelandair announces new routes to North America, including Pittsburgh and Halifax, expanding its network to over 50 destinations.
  •  The airline will operate four flights a week to Pittsburgh and three weekly flights to Halifax, using their Boeing 737 MAX 8 fleet.
  •  With the addition of three new Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft next year, Icelandair aims to continue its growth and capitalize on the strong North American market.

New routes to North America

On November 2, Icelandair introduced its flight schedule for 2024’s summer season, which is being called the company’s most extensive schedule to date. The Keflavik-based carrier will offer flights to over 50 destinations, with three connection banks within the day at Iceland’s main airport.

Icelandair is set to open two routes to North America next year. One is new, and the other is being resumed after years of pause. The company will begin flying to Pittsburgh for the first time. This city will become the company’s twelfth city destination in the United States. With four flights a week, the schedule will be offered from mid-May until the end of October, said Icelandair.

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How Reversal on Digital Trade Threatens U.S. Workers, Businesses

USTR announced it was abandoning the longstanding U.S. approach to digital trade rules. Here’s how this decision will impact American companies and workers.

The administration’s policy reversal on digital trade this week was shrouded in little known acronyms, but the impact on American companies and the workers they employ will be swift and painful.  

This past week the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced it was abandoning the longstanding U.S. approach to digital trade rules. USTR officials in Geneva announced the U.S. withdrawal of its previous proposals on data flows, data localization, and source code being discussed in World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations on e-commerce. A USTR spokesman stated that the move was made “to provide enough policy space” for debates about digital trade to unfold. 

In reality, this move will directly harm American workers, invite unfair treatment of U.S. companies, and threaten our competitiveness. Unsurprisingly, it drew powerful bipartisan criticism from Congress and condemnation from the U.S. Chamber and a wide range of business groups. 


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EDPB to discuss potential binding decision in Norway DPA’s Meta case

The European Data Protection Board will hold a plenary meeting 27 Oct. regarding a potential binding decision on an enforcement action by Norway’s data protection authority, Datatilsynet, against Meta for alleged illegal use of targeted advertising. The regulator is also seeking recognition of its ruling across member states and European Economic Area countries.

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AmCham Sustainability Forum: Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation and DNB’s New Transition Plan

AmCham Sustainability Forum: Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation and DNB's New Transition Plan

AmCham’s recent Sustainability Forum, hosted by Bull & Co Advokatfirma, brought together engaged members for insights on the upcoming EU Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) – as well as for business implications, investor expectations, and regulatory demands in DNB’s recently released Net-Zero Transition Plan.   

Empowering Businesses for Sustainable Compliance

“We advise businesses to evaluate tools that enable them to report on the entire lifecycle of their products, to facilitate compliance with existing and upcoming regulations – such as the Transparency Act and the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR),” explained Magnus K. Hagem, Senior Attorney at Bull & Co Advokatfirma. He highlighted that the Digital Product Passport (DPP) is one new and powerful tool for businesses to be able to take lead in sustainable production and enhance transparency in their operations. The proposed DPP regulation, set to be implemented by 2030, will challenge various industries, and Magnus stressed the importance of making informed choices for businesses.   

DNB's Transition Plan

“Sustainability is an opportunity,” stated Gine Wang-Reese, EVP of Public Affairs & Sustainability at DNB, as she unveiled DNB’s Transition Plan and presented the report in detail to our group. Gine delved into the detailed work and insights underpinning the Transition Plan’s framework, covering aspects from methodology to incentives for businesses. She also discussed the plan’s governance, foundations, metrics, and targets. Gine emphasized that “collaboration is key” in the realm of sustainability and, with identified external dependencies, positioned DNB as a driving force behind the sustainable transition. 

Gine Wang-Reese
EVP Public Affairs & Sustainability

Magnus K. Hagem
Senior Attorney

About Sustainability Forum

Future success is dependent upon running a sustainable business – for people, planet, and profit. Hence, AmCham brings select, cross-industry member company representatives together on an ongoing basis to discuss opportunities, facilitate open exchange and determine how AmCham members can best contribute to Norwegian and US sustainability agendas going forward.

Read more about our Sustainability Forum and please contact for interest in future meetings.

AmCham Sustainability Forum: Plastics & Aviation

AmCham’s latest Sustainability Forum, hosted by NHO, brought together members representing diverse industries to learn about the NHO’s newly launched single-use plastic products partnership and from Avinor on how Norway is ideally suited as an international test arena for zero and low-emission aircraft.

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Norwegian offshore wind ports can create billions in value annually by 2030

A new report from Menon Economics finds that Norwegian ports investing in offshore wind can generate NOK 8.4 billion in annual value and employ approximately 6,400 people by 2030.

The report was commissioned by Norwegian Offshore Wind, Eksfin, Invest in Rogaland, Invest in Bergen, and Invest in Agder. It’s the first of its kind to analyze the potential of Norwegian assembly and installation ports in offshore wind until 2030.

The study has identified 14 installation and assembly ports with plans to facilitate projects for offshore wind farms by 2030, indicating significant potential for employment and value creation. These ports collectively aim to achieve an annual installation and assembly capacity of 5 GW by 2030, equivalent to approximately 350 wind turbines annually.

-This analysis shows that Norwegian offshore wind bases are ahead of the curve. They see that collaboration is a crucial strategy to harness the vast opportunities in offshore wind, says Arvid Nesse, the head of Norwegian Offshore Wind.

Read full article here.

MSD’s legacy of antimicrobial innovation and action

Delivering on our commitment to fight infectious diseases for more than a century.

For more than 100 years, MSD has contributed to the discovery and development of novel medicines and vaccines to fight infectious diseases. With the growing burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), we’ve focused on stopping the increasing threat of AMR

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Øker CO2-kompensasjonsordningen med 1,7 milliarder kroner

Regjeringen foreslår å øke bevilgningen til CO2-kompensasjonsordningen for industrien med om lag 1,7 milliarder kroner til 6,4 milliarder kroner sammenlignet med fjorårets budsjett.

Samtidig foreslår regjeringen å øke kvoteprisgulvet fra 200 kroner til 375 kroner. Dette innebærer at industrien kun får støtte for den delen av kvoteprisen som overstiger 375 kroner.

– Forutsigbarhet rundt ordningen er viktig. Vi ønsker derfor god dialog med industrien med mål om å finne en langsiktig løsning for ordningen som både sikrer forutsigbarhet for dem og økonomisk bærekraft for staten, sier klima- og miljøminister Espen Barth Eide.

Justeringene i ordningen skal bidra til at utgiftene blir mer håndterbare for staten. Regjeringen vil gå i dialog med industrien om fremtidige rammer i CO2-kompensasjonsordningen for å holde ordningen forutsigbar og kostnadene for staten nede.

Regjeringen vil samtidig fortsette dialogen om endring av ordningen, slik at den bidrar med utslippsreduksjoner og/eller energieffektivisering i tråd med Stortingets anmodningsvedtak. Basert på denne dialogen, vil regjeringen foreslå en langsiktig løsning for ordningen.

– Vi vet at ordningen kan bidra med betydelige utslippsreduksjoner i industrien og at flere andre EU-land har innført ulike former for klima- og energikrav i sine ordninger. Det er viktig at ordningen bidrar til å gjøre industrien mer robust møtet med lavutslippsamfunnet. Vi ønsker å fortsette dialogen med industrien om dette temaet, sier Eide.

Read full article here.

Tech Talent Network at Google: AI Innovation, Future & Policy

AmCham’s Tech Talent Network at Google: AI Innovation, Future & Policy

AmCham’s Tech Talent Network (TTN) gathered at Google Norway’s offices, with Country Director Tine Austvoll Jensen warmly welcoming participants and addressing how Google is harnessing AI for good. Recently celebrating 25 years of innovation “1998-style,” a lot has happened since Larry and Sergey started Google in their rented garage.

Tine shared her excitement for what the future holds as we experience one of the biggest technological shifts in our lifetimes, and referenced Pew Research Center’s recent in-depth report As AI Spreads, Experts Predict the Best and Worst Changes in Digital Life by 2035.

Google’s Technical Lead for Data and ML, Sina Nek Akhtar, delved even deeper into the history of AI and demonstrated how the company is helping industries utilize these tools to drive business innovation and success.

What Can Norway Learn from US AI Policy?

Earlier this year, Norway’s Ministry of Education and Research signed an MOU with the US Department of Energy to work more closely on research, innovation, education, and ethical issues in the field of artificial intelligence.

Participants welcomed at Google Norway's offices

Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Consortium (NORA) Senior Policy Advisor Alex Moltzau joined TTN’ers to share policy updates, challenges, and his thoughts on Norway’s new digitalization strategy due out in 2024.

NORA is a collaboration between eight Norwegian universities (NMBU, OsloMet, UiA, UiB, UiO, UiS, UiT and USN), three colleges (BI, HiØ and HK) and five research institutes (NORCE, Simula, SINTEF, WNRI and NR) to strengthen Norwegian research, education and innovation within artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics.

Alex discussed ongoing developments in the United States, and particularly ongoing National Artificial Intelligence Research Task Force work. Further, the CREATE AI Act introduced to US Congress this summer could be used as inspiration for Norwegian policy development and collaboration.

Alex went on to urge the technology talents in the room to consider getting more involved in local policy work, staying updated and engaging with politicians. He also noted the critical need to educate lawmakers, pointing to the Congressional Bootcamp on AI that the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) has organized, and their work to inform political staffers.

About the AmCham Tech Talent Network

TTN is a non-competitive arena for knowledge sharing, professional development, and expanding international market insights, currently open to select Patron-level technology industry member representatives. Exclusive quarterly sessions with industry leaders and external speakers create opportunities for collaboration and leadership development.

For further information and interest in the program, please contact

AmCham’s Tech Talent Network at Microsoft: Tech Geopolitics & AI Era Innovation

AmCham’s Tech Talent Network (TTN) gathered at Microsoft Norway’s offices, with Nordic Director of Government Affairs Kristine Beitland warmly welcoming participants and addressing the era of tech geopolitics. Beitland emphasized the need for knowledge sharing on fast-paced technological developments for robust regulatory frameworks, especially during periods of global instability

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Norway Renames Oil and Energy Department to Reflect Green Shift

Norway’s oil and energy ministry will streamline its name as the country looks beyond the hydrocarbons that today account for about a quarter of gross domestic product.

From Jan. 1, Terje Aasland will take the new title of Energy Minister, the government said Monday, adding that the role of the ministry remains unchanged. The department was previously called the Petroleum and Energy Ministry.

The change was announced amid a government reshuffle and comes just over a month after the government said it would rename two key energy-related offices. Norway’s Petroleum Directorate will become the Norwegian Offshore Directorate from the start of next year, while the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway is due to become the Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority.


Read full article here.

Castlelake Consortium Selected to Provide Private Credit Solution to SAS

Castlelake and its strategic partners including AirFrance-KLM, were selected to provide financing to SAS, as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. Castlelake will provide a tailored financing solution that demonstrates our 18 years of aviation experience, creative structuring capabilities and relationship-focused approach. Read more about the transaction in the official announcement here:–announces-the-winning-consortium-including-details-of-the-transaction-structure/

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