Tag Archives: Regjeringen

Reuters: Norway may have to tighten COVID-19 restrictions, PM says

OSLO (Reuters) – Norway is going to stop easing coronavirus curbs for the moment and could be forced to bring back tougher measures following a recent rise in the number of cases, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said on Thursday.

Norway went into lockdown in mid-March and quickly saw a sharp fall in new cases, then began a gradual easing of restrictions in May.

“The government is considering tighter measures,” Solberg told a news conference.

Read entire article here

Reuters: Norway PM says will not ease COVID-19 restrictions yet

OSLO (Reuters) – Norway will not yet ease restrictions designed to counter the novel coronavirus even though the spread has been slower recently, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said on Friday.

“Even if the infection numbers are coming down, we can’t say that we have landed safely yet… we have to be sure that we maintain control,” Solberg told a news conference.

To prevent a resurgence in COVID-19 infections, the country halted its planned easing of restrictions earlier this month, and imposed new measures such a ban on bars to serve alcohol after midnight.

Read entire article here

Bloomberg: Norway to Rein In Wind Power After Raging Opposition From Locals

Norway is set to tighten rules for building wind turbines, caving in to massive protests from locals.

A government proposal on Friday to slow down the development of onshore wind power comes after increasing local resistance mirrors sentiment in other European countries. Norway already decided to scrap a plan for a new permission framework last year.

Norway, which has already developed a massive hydropower network, faces an increased need for clean energy for the electrification of everything from transportation to oil platforms.

Read entire article HERE.

Reuters: Norway pledges $1 billion to vaccines against COVID-19, other diseases

OSLO (Reuters) – Norway will give $1 billion to support the distribution worldwide of any vaccine developed against COVID-19 as well as for vaccines against other diseases, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said on Monday.

Oslo made the pledge as part of a donor conference held on Monday by the European Union to raise 7.5 billion euros ($8.23 billion) towards the testing, treatment and prevention of the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

Non-EU member Norway is a co-chair of the event as a long-standing donor to global health initiatives.

Read entire article HERE.

Press Release: Norway to play leading role in international coronavirus summit

The European Commission, under its President, Ursula von der Leyen, is to hold a virtual donor conference to mobilise political and financial support for efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The Coronavirus Global Response Summit will be held on 4 May, and Prime Minister Erna Solberg will be one of the co-chairs.

‘We welcome the European Commission’s initiative to hold a major international conference to mobilise support for the development of vaccines, diagnostics and treatments for COVID-19. Given our longstanding engagement in the area of global health, it is only natural for Norway to do its part when we are asked to co-chair a conference of this kind,’ Ms Solberg said.

The intention is for most of the funding that is raised to be used for the development of vaccines, the best possible treatments and rapid, wide-ranging diagnostic techniques for COVID-19. Norway will give priority to vaccine development and distribution through the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, but will also seek to mobilise international support for cooperation to develop better treatments and testing.

Norway was involved in the establishment of both CEPI and Gavi, and since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak has been working actively at the international level to secure increased funding for CEPI’s work on COVID-19 vaccines. Norway considers it vital to ensure that any vaccine that is developed is distributed fairly, including to developing countries, and that this work is carried out under the leadership of the World Health Organization.

See original press release HERE.

Press Release: Norway increases defence spending to strengthen its capability and readiness

Press release | Date: 17/04/2020

Today the Norwegian government presented the new Long Term Plan for the Norwegian Armed Forces. A continued increase in defence spending will strengthen the readiness and endurance of the Norwegian Armed Forces and reduce operational gaps.

– A challenging strategic environment constantly reminds us that our freedom and security can not be taken for granted. The Government continues to invest heavily in defence and security, to ensure that Norway remains a reliable, responsible and capable partner on the northern flank of the Alliance, says Norwegian Minister of Defence, Mr Frank Bakke-Jensen.

The new Long Term Plan details a budget increase in the coming eight years. In 2028 the defence expenditure will increase to a level of 16,5 billion NOK above the 2020 budget.

– We will also continue the work of identifying cost effective solutions wherever possible, both when conducting daily operations and when acquiring new equipment, says Mr Bakke-Jensen, Minister of Defence.

Strengthened allied dimension

The defence of Norway starts outside our territorial borders and Norwegian participation in NATO operations and readiness forces is an integral part of the overall defence effort.

Norway plays an important role in NATO by operating in and monitoring the Arctic region, by providing situational awareness to the transatlantic security community. The strengthening of NATO’s maritime posture is an integral element of the ongoing adaptation of the Alliance and crucial to Norwegian and allied security.

Allied presence, training and exercise in and close to Norway are of fundamental importance. The Norwegian Armed Forces will continue to train and operate with key allies such as the USA, the UK, the Netherlands and Germany, and other units. The government will also continue the development of Norwegian host nation facilities.


Norway will continue to develop the army. Brigade North will be developed with four manoeuvre battalions and with tactical and logistical support. The manoeuvre battalions will be equipped with new main battle tanks, mobile air defence systems and long-range precision fire. Increased firepower, higher readiness and increased sustainability will ensure that the Norwegian Armed Forces remain relevant in the new security environment.

In addition, the modernisation of the Home Guard will continue, including an increased capacity to forward stage weapons, ammunition and other supplies.


Norway will strengthen the Navy with increased personnel volume. The frigates and submarines will undergo necessary upgrades. In addition, three new Coast Guard vessels will be introduces in the period 2021-2025. In order to preserve the maritime operational capability after 2030 the government will start the planning of replacement surface vessels. A decision concerning type and number of vessels will be made in the next planning period.

– It is our ambition to acquire and implement future Navy capabilities in collaboration with close allies, says the Norwegian Minister of Defence.

Air Force

The introduction of new aircraft systems will have priority for the Air Force during the years leading up to 2025. The implementation of the F-35 Lightning II continues. P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft will replace the fleet of P-3 Orion.

To improve air defence capability, the NASAMS II air defence system will be upgraded with modern sensors, as well as the introduction of complementary capacity with shorter range.

– This will contribute to countering threats against bases, and protect allied reception areas, says Mr Bakke-Jensen.

In the long term, it will be assessed how long-range air defence systems can be introduced.

Home Guard

The modernisation of the Home Guard will continue, including an increased capacity to forward stage weapons, ammunition and other supplies.

Special Forces

The ability of the Special Forces to contribute to both national and international operations will improve with increased personnel volume and one additional operations task group. The Bell 412 transport helicopters will be replaced by a new capacity that is better suited for the Special Forces.

Personnel and new technology

The highly skilled and dedicated military and civilian personnel of the defence sector is the backbone of the Norwegian force. The number of personnel will gradually be increased in order to strengthen the readiness and availability of the Armed Forces, and gradually generate enhanced combat power.

The current focus of personnel reforms is on diversifying the personnel structure in order to strengthen the capability and the readiness of the Norwegian Armed Forces, and on the further restructuring of the training and educational system.

Norway will also strengthen the system for innovation in the defence sector and adapt a comprehensive approach to technology exploitation.

– The development of the Armed Forces is an ongoing and long-term undertaking. In 2016, the Government set out the course towards a more capable and sustainable defence force, better able to face the changing security environment. This new Long Term Plan builds on that foundation. The Norwegian government continues to strengthen the capability and readiness of the defence of Norway, says Mr Frank Bakke-Jensen, Norwegian Minister of Defence.

Downloadable pdf:

Long term defence plan Norway 2020 – English summary.pdf

Bloomberg: Norway PM Loses Majority Coalition After Populist Partner Quits

Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg lost her majority coalition after her main ally quit the government to protest the repatriation of a woman who’d joined Islamic State.

The prime minister, who leads the Conservative Party, will continue to run a minority coalition without the anti-immigration Progress Party. Though she avoided a total government collapse, Solberg now faces a tougher future getting legislation through a more fractious parliament. Progress Party Leader Siv Jensen, who was also Norway’s finance minister, made clear she’s sick of political compromise and will now pursue a much harder line to defend her populist program.

Read entire article HERE.

Regjeringen: Nikolai Astrup blir bærekraftsminister

Digitaliseringsminister Nikolai Astrup får ansvar for å koordinere Norges oppfølging av bærekraftsmålene.

I 2015 ble alle FNs medlemsland enige om 17 mål for bærekraftig utvikling. Bærekraftsmålene sier blant annet at verden skal bekjempe ulikhet, stoppe klimaendringene, sikre rene og sunne hav, og sørge for god utdanning for alle barn innen 2030.

– Bærekraftsmålene gjelder alle land og alle deler av samfunnet. Også Norge. Vi har et stort ansvar for å bidra til oppnåelsen av bærekraftsmålene innen 2030 – både her hjemme og i resten av verden, sier digitaliseringsminister Nikolai Astrup.

Nå får han et særlig ansvar for å koordinere regjeringens arbeid med å sørge for at Norge når målene innen 2030.

– Mange tror at det bare er utviklingslandene som må jobbe med å nå bærekraftsmålene. Det stemmer ikke. Vi har også utfordringer, og vi må jobbe kontinuerlig for å sikre en bærekraftig utvikling.

Bærekraftsagendaen består av 17 ulike mål og 169 delmål. Digitaliseringsministeren vil sette i gang et arbeid for å kartlegge hvordan Norge ligger an med oppnåelsen av målene så langt.

– Jeg tror at Norge har en vei å gå på flere områder. For eksempel når vi ikke bærekraftsmål 3 om god helse før vi reduserer antall selvmord. Og vi når ikke bærekraftsmål 4 om god utdanning til alle før vi sikrer at alle fullfører skolegangen. En viktig del av mitt nye ansvarsområde blir å kartlegge hvor vi står i dag, og stake ut kursen fremover, sier Astrup.

Regjeringen har allerede pekt ut noen områder som er særlig viktige for Norge i årene som kommer, noe som også ble løftet frem av statsministeren i hennes nyttårstale 1. januar.

– Vi skal jobbe med klima og hav, vi skal styrke arbeidet knyttet til bedre psykisk helse, kampen mot selvmord, og øke innsatsen mot ulikhet, barnefattigdom og frafall i skolen, sier Erna Solberg.

Bærekraftsmålene henger tett sammen. Fremgang innenfor ett mål er ofte avhengig av fremgang innenfor flere andre mål. Målene vil kun bli innfridd med innsats fra flere departementer, offentlige virksomheter på alle nivåer, sivilsamfunn og næringsliv. Derfor er koordineringen viktig.

– Norge har kommet langt og det gjøres allerede mye godt arbeid. Men vi er kanskje ikke bevisste nok på hvordan det vi jobber med henger sammen med bærekraftsmålene. Astrups jobb blir å se disse sammenhengene og sørge for at vi jobber så effektivt og målrettet som mulig, sier Solberg.

FNs generalsekretær har utnevnt statsminister Erna Solberg til leder for FNs pådrivergruppe for bærekraftsmålene sammen med Ghanas president. Norge har gjennom mange år gjort en betydelig innsats for bærekraftsmålene internasjonalt. Astrup vil jobbe tett sammen med utviklingsministeren og utenriksministeren, som har ansvar for det internasjonale arbeidet med bærekraftsmålene. En viktig del av arbeidet vil blant annet være den årlige rapporteringen om bærekraftsmålene til FN.

– Jeg gleder meg til å ta fatt på denne spennende oppgaven! Bærekraftsmålene var en sentral del av jobben som utviklingsminister, og nå ser jeg frem til å jobbe med hvordan målene skal innfris i Norge, sier Astrup.

Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementets pressetelefon: 22 24 25 00 

Norway Today: Dual citizenship approved

From 1 January 2020, Norwegians can become nationals of another country without losing their Norwegian citizenship, and foreign nationals no longer have to give up their original citizenship to become Norwegian.


“When we allow for dual citizenship, we ensure that Norwegian law follows developments in a more globalized world, where more and more people are connected to more than one country,” Minister of Knowledge and Integration Jan Tore Sanner said in a press release.


Read entire article HERE.

Regjeringen: Første høring i Norges WTO-sak mot USA om stål og aluminium

Et tvisteløsningspanel i WTO starter i dag første høringsmøte i stål- og aluminiumssaken mot USA.

Norge innledet i juni 2018 tvistesak mot USA om tilleggstoll på visse stål- og aluminiumsprodukter i Verdens handelsorganisasjon (WTO). Vi mener tilleggstollen er i strid med WTO-regelverket.

WTOs tvisteløsningsorgan opprettet i november 2018 et panel som skal vurdere saken, og i dag starter panelets første høringsmøte med partene. Det er satt av to dager til høringen. I tillegg til Norge, har seks andre medklagere i disse dager høring i sin tvistesak mot USA om de samme tiltakene. Norges høring er den tredje i rekken av disse syv tvistesakene.

Les hele saken HER.