
International Leadership Interview: Lena Nymo Helli, General Manager, AbbVie


Category: AmCham Norway

“As a leader, rather than saying, “This is how you do this,” I try to encourage people to think how they want to solve it. “ Upon having completed her pharmacist degree, Lena Nymo Helli was always determined that she wanted to work in the pharmaceutical industry. Passionate about people, innovation and collaboration, she is […]

Source: AmCham


Merck (MSD) place second on Furtune’s “Change the World” List


Category: Health

The timing was tragic. Merck embraced a vital mission in 2014 when it began developing an Ebola vaccine in collaboration with Canada’s public health agency and NewLink Genetics, not long after the deadly virus broke out in West Africa. Effective vaccines take months to create, and by the time V920 could be deployed, the disease had claimed […]

Source: Fortune


AmCham’s Arendalsuka Debate: The Pharmaceutical Industry Revealed

Category: AmCham News

According to data from Apeland and Norstat, only 5% of the population in Norway considers the pharmaceutical industry to be trustworthy, with only 52% of Norwegian survey respondents reporting any familiarity with the industry at all. With these statistics as a starting point, a panel consisting of senior representatives from the pharmaceutical industry, politicians and […]



Kliniske studier: Sårt tiltrengt måleverktøy i sikte


Category: Government

Takket være politisk vilje og et nybrottsarbeid i Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet får vi endelig på plass en indikator for å måle den kliniske studieaktiviteten på norske sykehus. Dette vil medføre at vi får et godt datagrunnlag som kan være nyttig for styring, prioritering og tilrettelegging av et godt tilbud for pasientdeltakelse i kliniske studier. For […]

Source: LMI


Thermo Fisher Scientific er Norges smarteste industribedrift


Category: Health

Norsk Industri og Siemens har kåret den norske delen av amerikanske Thermo Fisher Scientific til Norges smarteste industribedrift 2018. «Et industrieventyr», skriver juryen i sin begrunnelse. Med utgangspunkt i Ugelstadkulene, har bedriften utviklet nye teknikker og metoder for å stille presise diagnoser og skreddersy kreftmedisin. Bedriften ble i fjor høst tildelt TUs teknologipris Norwegian Tech Award. […]

Source: Teknisk Ukeblad

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