Category: Business News
Since 2015, Eksfin has contributed NOK 12 billion in loans and guarantees to the seafood industry. In recent years, Eksfin (Export Finance Norway) has experienced strong growth in the demand for loans and guarantees for the seafood industry. Eksfin, which is a government supplement to private funding, is impressed by the growth of the Norwegian […]
Source: Eksfin
Category: Business News
BUCHAREST (Romania), December 13 (SeeNews) – Norwegian defence related systems and products supplier Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace said on Tuesday it has been awarded a 1.35 billion NOK ($135 million/ 128 million euro) contract by U.S.-based Raytheon Missiles & Defense for the delivery of a Naval Strike Missile (NSM) Coastal Defence System to Romania. The […]
Source: SeeNews
Category: Business News
The World Trade Organization ruled on Friday that former President Donald Trump violated global trade rules in 2018 when he invoked national security concerns to justify his tariffs on steel and aluminum products from around the world. The Biden administration strongly condemned the decision, which it said was further proof that the WTO dispute settlement […]
Source: Politico
Category: Business News
Bachelor i økonomi og ledelse ved USN Handelshøyskolen er akkreditert av EFMD, det europeiske akkrediteringsorganet for handelshøyskoler. – Viktig for hele USN, sier rektor. – Dette er en stor dag, sier dekan Hans Anton Stubberud og visedekan for utdanning Birger Opstad ved USN Handelshøyskolen. Det er bare Universitetet i Stavanger som tidligere har fått akkreditert et studieprogram […]
Source: USN Handelshøyskolen
Category: Business News
San Francisco, California – As provisional winner of a lease area on the Outer Continental Shelf off California, Equinor continues to lead the way in growing the US’ offshore wind industry. Five leases were offered by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in thefirst-ever offshore wind lease sale on the US west coast and […]
Source: Equinor