Eksfin has provided the seafood industry with NOK 12 billion in financing

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Eksfin has provided the seafood industry with NOK 12 billion in financing


Category: Business News

Since 2015, Eksfin has contributed NOK 12 billion in loans and guarantees to the seafood industry.

In recent years, Eksfin (Export Finance Norway) has experienced strong growth in the demand for loans and guarantees for the seafood industry. Eksfin, which is a government supplement to private funding, is impressed by the growth of the Norwegian aquaculture industry, especially thanks to innovation and technological development.

Norway’s export industries, including fisheries and aquaculture, need major technological and financial boosts. This means that the industry, the banks and the state must work as a team. Going forward, we still expect to see growth in loans and guarantees for this important export industry. Tone Lunde Bakker, managing director of Eksfin.

Read full article here.

Source: Eksfin