Business News

Satser på Cruise-effekten


Category: Culture / Lifestyle

Reiselivet i Rogaland har ingen planer om å la premieren på Mission Impossible forbigå i stillhet. En rekke konkrete markedskampanjer er under planlegging i forbindelse med premieren – både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Over et halvt år etter at de spektakulære actionscenene med Tom Cruise ble spilt inn i Lysefjorden, nærmere det seg premiere. Det skal […]

Source: Stavanger Chamber


Norway Launches New Offshore Lease Sale


Category: Energy

Norway has announced a new licensing round for its offshore oil and gas fields in predefined areas (APA). Licenses in areas in the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea are expected to be awarded in 2019. The latest licensing round has been expanded by 103 blocks compared to last year, 47 of […]

Source: Maritime Executive


US highest ranked colleges (that also cost less than $20,000)


Category: Education / Research

Don’t want to be one of the college students contributing to America’s record-breaking $1.5 trillion student-loan problem? While these schools won’t leave you completely debt-free, there’s a list out there of great schools that cost less than $20,000 a year. Data analysis site HowMuch created a map of the best colleges in each state that also cost less […]

Source: MarketWatch


House Members: Metal Tariff Exclusions Too Slow


Category: Chemicals / Metals

 A bipartisan group of 39 House members wrote to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross on May 7 to voice frustration that the process for excluding specific steel and aluminum products from Section 232 tariffs is slow and cumbersome. The letter reads in part: “We appreciate that, in response to Member and constituent requests, you have implemented […]

Source: US Chamber of Commerce


BI på prestisjefylt Financial Times-rangering


Category: Education / Research

På Financial Times’ årlige Executive Education rankings 2018 er BI inne på listen over de fremste skolene i verden for bedriftsinterne programmer og kortvarige videreutdanningsprogrammer. Dette plasserer BI blant de beste handelshøyskolene for videreutdanning internasjonalt. – Det er en viktig annerkjennelse å være med i denne rangeringen og knive om plasseringene med de beste handelshøyskolene […]


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