Business News

DXC Technology: Nordic Digitalization Study


Category: Technology

Digitalization is changing the world fundamentally: customer expectations, business models, value chains – no element will remain unaffected. Everyone seems to agree the pace is increasing rapidly, but how far is the Nordic region in adapting to a digital agenda? In this ‘Digital Agenda 2020’ study, we have asked decision makers across the four Nordic […]

Source: DXC Technology


Uber Norge-sjefen slutter


Category: Automobile / Transport

Uber-sjef for Norge og Danmark, Carl Edvard Endresen, slutter i selskapet. Til E24 sier han at motstanden Uber har møtt i Norge bidro til valget. Bildelingstjenesten Uber kom til Norge i 2013, men ble møtt med tøff motstand fra myndighetene, taxinæringen og politiet allerede fra dag én. I 2016 ble selskapet ulovlig i Norge, ifølge […]

Source: InnoMag

Published: April 9, 2018


Fetzer Vineyards feirer 50 år med vinproduksjon i California – og dette er bare begynnelsen!


Category: Food & Beverage

Mye har skjedd siden Barney Fetzer fant det perfekt stedet i Californias Redwood Valley og plantet sine aller første vinstokker. Og ingenting av det som har skjedd, er tilfeldigheter. Helt fra starten hadde Barney tro på at jo mer han gjorde for at vinproduksjonen skulle være i harmoni med jorden, jo mer forbedret vinens kvalitet […]

Source: AmCham


Rising Leaders: Attracting & Retaining the Best Talent!

Category: AmCham News

“If we are talking about how young professionals can stand out from the masses, I’d say that – by being accepted into this program – you have done so already,” MSD Norge HR Director Kari Haugli told Rising Leaders Program participants. Hosted and thoroughly supported by Badenoch & Clark representatives, the meeting also included candid […]

Source: AmCham


AmCham Sustainability Forum Kick-Off: Sustainable Business as a Driver for Growth

Category: AmCham News

For future success, you must ensure that you are running a sustainable business – for people, planet and profit. Sustainability is not simply a check box in the annual report. It is something that affects your business – and creates opportunities. Many AmCham companies have been on the journey for some time, while others are […]

Source: AmCham

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