Business News

Ny MS-medisin kan bli innført mandag


Category: Health

Etter flere utsettelser skal Beslutningsforum mandag avgjøre om MS-medisinen okrelizumab (Ocrevus) kan tas i bruk ved norske sykehus. I januar i år ble okrelizumab (Ocrevus) godkjent til behandling av både attakkvis og progressiv multippel sklerose (MS) i Norge, men myndighetene har nølt med å ta legemiddelet i bruk. Statens legemiddelverk (SLV) ferdigstilte sine hurtige metodevurderinger […]

Source: Dagens Medisin


The family-owned Norwegian company Laerdal leads the world in resuscitation training manikins


Category: Health

In January 2018, the United States-based tech outlet, Digital Journal, wrote that the company holding the leading position in the global healthcare simulation market was the Stavanger-headquartered Laerdal Medical. There are two major competitors in the United States and one in Canada, but Laerdal is the company the American Heart Association chose as partners when it […]

Source: Norwegian American


Schlumberger Norge har tapt fire milliarder på to år


Category: Energy

Lavere aktivitet, press på marginer og finansielle nedskrivinger, har gitt milliardunderskudd for oljeservice-giganten Schlumberger Norge for andre året på rad. Resultat før skatt for Schlumberger Norge AS i det nylig fremlagte regnskapet for 2017, var minus 2 milliarder kroner, som er på samme nivå som i 2016, skriver Stavanger Aftenblad. Selskapet ønsker ikke å kommentere regnskapstallene […]

Source: Sysla


The US Returns to No. 1 in Global Competitiveness – Norway Drops to 16th


Category: Trade

The United States is the most globally competitive nation in the world for the first time since the 2008-2009 global financial crisis, according to a new report. Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan rounded out the top five. The latest Global Competitiveness Report, conducted by the World Economic Forum, uses a new methodology that aims to better […]

Source: Forbes


3M’s new granules for shingles help curb air pollution


Category: Chemicals / Metals

3M Co. has a new product to fight air pollution, and it’s not a filter or industrial monitor. It’s a granule used in roof shingles. When the granules are exposed to ultraviolet sunlight, “radicals” are generated that then transform nitrogen oxide into a substance that washes away with rain instead of polluting the air, officials […]

Source: Start Tribune

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