Business News

DN: Amerikas beste viner slippes fredag


Category: Food & Beverage

Mye skjer på vinfronten i California, og da særlig i Sonoma Coast i nord og Santa Barbara lenger sør. Førstnevnte har også nå søkt om å få deles inn i ytterligere flere vinområder og har i følge søkt om AVA West Sonoma Coast. En søknad som høyst sannsynlig blir godkjent til neste år i […]



State Secretary Jens Frølich Holte’s address to Stop Marine Plastic Pollution in Washington, D.C.


Category: Government

State Secretary Jens Frølich Holte’s address at the seminar Stepping Up to Stop Marine Plastic Pollution in Washington, D.C., USA. I am very pleased to be here to discuss marine litter, and to engage with US government leaders, industry representatives and experts on this issue. I believe we share the view that stronger efforts are […]



Trenger vi en sterk norsk innovasjonsbasert helsenæring?


Category: Health

Hvis man skal kåre et nytt trendord i 2018 ville jeg foreslått «Helsenæring». Det var et tema som gikk igjen under årets Arendalsuke og det er ingen tvil om at det er stort fokus på å bygge en sterk helsenæring i Norge. Regjeringen skal ha mye av æren for dette og det er forventet at […]

Source: Dagens Medisin


Norway wealth fund calls for independence, expertise on company boards

Category: Business News

Norway’s $970-billion sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest, will ask the 9,000 companies in which it invests to ensure their board members have sufficient independence and expertise, it said in a series of policy papers on Friday. Directors should also ensure they have sufficient time to fulfil their obligations on the boards which they serve, […]

Source: Reuters


Norway Stays the Course for Another Rate Increase in Early 2019


Category: Financial / Investment

Norway’s central bank kept its key interest rate unchanged and reiterated its intention to tighten again early next year as policy makers proceed cautiously in unwinding the record stimulus unleashed over the past years. Norges Bank on Thursday held its benchmark at 0.75 percent, as anticipated by all analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. The krone traded […]

Source: Bloomberg

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