Business News

Syv av KPMGs advokater utmerker seg i Expert Guides 2020

Category: Business News

KPMG Law Advokatfirma er det advokatfirmaet i Norge med flest utmerkelser i Expert Guides 2020. Svein G. Andresen, Oddgeir Kjørsvik, Thor Leegaard, Anders H. Liland, Tonje Christin Norrvall, Per Daniel Nyberg og Jan Samuelsen i KPMG Law utmerker seg i Expert Guides 2020-oversikt over ledende skatteadvokater. Expert Guides sine publikasjoner gir en oversikt over advokater […]

Source: KPMG

Published: August 7, 2020


Bloomberg: Norway Bets on Tech to Cut $100 Billion North Sea Oil-Well Bill

Category: Business News

North Sea nations and oil companies face costs of more than $100 billion to shut down old wells in the depleted region. Researchers in Norway believe they can cut that figure dramatically. A new technology center in Trondheim hopes to halve the costs of plugging and abandoning wells — a procedure known as P&A that […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: August 5, 2020


Bloomberg: Norway Targets Lower Oil-Wealth Spending in Budget, Sanner Says

Category: Business News

Norway’s Covid-related economic-support measures need to be phased out gradually and the government’s use of oil money should be tightened in the 2021 budget, the country’s finance minister said. In an interview with, Jan Tore Sanner said he has a clear goal of reducing the use of oil revenue, and believes it should happen as early […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: January 8, 2020


IBM Report: Compromised Employee Accounts Led to Most Expensive Data Breaches Over Past Year

Category: Business News

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., July 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — IBM Security (NYSE: IBM) announced today the results of a global study examining the financial impact of data breaches, revealing that these incidents cost companies studied $3.86 million per breach on average, and that compromised employee accounts were the most expensive root cause. Based on in-depth analysis of data breaches experienced by […]

Source: IBM


Kapital: Accenture-sjefen – Norge må tørre å satse

Category: Business News

Norge og Europa er mindre tøffe enn resten av verden hva gjelder den digitale transformasjonen, ifølge Accenture. – Jeg håper vi tør å satse nok, sier norgessjef Tonje Sandberg. Konsulentgiganten Accenture livnærer seg på å digitalisere landet – og verden. Det er en prosess som kunne gått fortere, ifølge selskapets øverste sjef i Norge, Tonje Sandberg. […]

Source: Kapital

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