IP & Innovation

Letter to European Commission: European Intellectual Property (IP) Incentives Review


Category: AmCham Norway

AmCham Norway, in partnerships with the US Chamber of Commerce and other AmChams in Europe, today shared concerns regarding the European intellectual property (IP) incentives review. This exercise risks undermining the innovative industries at the cutting edge of medical innovation and discovery in the EU and more broadly. Europe is at the forefront of healthcare […]

Source: AmCham


Google and McKinsey Report: Shaping the future of work in Europe’s 9 digital front-runner countries


Category: IP & Innovation

Research shows significant value in embracing AI and automation for the Northern European countries, but sees a requirement for new skill sets among employees and a policy response around education, training, and the social contract. Technology in many ways is perfectly conceived to operate in the workplace, bringing an ability to operate around the clock […]

Source: McKinsey


BDO: Norske Lederes Frykt For Korrupsjon Minker


Category: Accounting / Financial

kokrim rapporterer at korrupsjonstrusselen er økende, og Transparency International melder at Norge er det mest korrupte landet i Skandinavia, selv om vi fortsatt er blant verdens minst korrupte land. Men korrupsjon og misligheter er ikke det norske ledere frykter mest. Slik rangerer norske lederne truslene: Dataangrep Konjunkturnedgang Finanskrise Negativ medieoppmerksomhet  Betydelig bortfall av ansatte  Negativ utvikling […]

Source: E24


Nordmann Bygger fiberkabel til USA – med hjelp fra Facebook


Category: Financial / Investment

Et norsk selskap går sammen med blant andre Facebook om å bygge og eie en fiberkabel som strekker seg fra USA til Danmark. Norge har mulighet til å koble seg på. – Vi blir med dette den første datasentertilbyderen med egen transatlantisk fiberkabel, sier Peder Nærbø (48). Ved siden av omfattende virksomhet innen bygging av […]

Source: Dagens Næringsliv


12 outstanding Oslo start-ups to watch in 2018


Category: IP & Innovation

Norway’s capital city, Oslo, is home to a thriving start-up ecosystem that captures the best of Scandinavian ingenuity and originality. As well as a buzzing start-up scene, Norwegian capital Oslo is considered a marvel of the technology world for a number of reasons. The nation – made particularly wealthy because, unlike Ireland, it did not […]

Source: Silicon Republic

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