Human Resources

Mentorship Program 2018-19 Kick-Off Meeting

Category: AmCham News

“As a mentor, you give the most important thing you have to your mentee – your time. But one should not do it just to give back. In return, one should learn from the next generation of leaders to stay updated,” special guest and Prime Minister Solberg’s former State Secretary Sigbjørn Aanes said as he […]

Source: AmCham


Bedriftsforbundet om å begrense innleie av midlertidig arbeidskraft: – På tide å trekke i nødbremsen


Category: Human Resources

Mandag vedtok stortinget forslaget om å begrense innleie av midlertidig arbeidskraft via bemanningsbyråer. – Dette betyr i realiteten en tvangsorganisering av norske arbeidstakere og vil kunne ramme små bedrifter uforholdsmessig hardt, mener Bedriftsforbundet. – Når et problem i hovedstadens overopphetede byggebransje brukes til å banke gjennom et lovforslag som potensielt kan påføre små bedrifter landet […]

Source: Innomag


Introducing Rising Leaders: a joint AmCham & US Embassy Leadership Development Program

Category: AmCham News

“Trust is the key component in leadership,” US Ambassador Kenneth Braithwaite said during an exclusive roundtable discussion, which kicked-off AmCham and the US Embassy’s latest joint program: Rising Leaders. 19 of the selected 23 Rising Leaders participants joined the discussion, hosted at the Ambassador’s residence, Villa Otium, which was followed by a reception for AmCham […]

Source: AmCham


Cato Institute Policy Analysis: The Nordic Glass Ceiling


Category: Government

The Nordic countries are widely regarded as world leaders in gender equality. In the Global Gender Gap Index, the Nordic nations are top performers. Iceland leads the list, followed by Norway, Finland, and Sweden in second, third, and fifth places, respectively. Denmark ranks lowest in 14th place, but still considerably higher than the United States, […]

Source: Cato


Norwegians Worldwide: When Can I Apply for Dual Citizenship?


Category: Culture / Lifestyle

Many people ask us when they will be able to regain their Norwegian citizenship. There’s still a way to go, but here’s an overview of the process ahead so you can prepare. The work on changing the law and allowing dual citizenship is in the pipeline. It’s still unclear when such a change will be […]

Source: Norwegians World Wide

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