Education / Research

Digital Journal: 24SevenOffice US is Partnering With the City University of New York on Education of Future CPAs

Category: Business News

The world’s most comprehensive ERP system, 24Sevenoffice, has just signed an agreement with The City University of New York (CUNY), Medgar Evers College — The School of Business, on education of future CPAs. 24Sevenoffice will be responsible for the academic curriculum for the practical accounting system training. Thousands of students will use the cloud-based accounting […]

Source: Digital Journal


University of Stavanger Business School Presents Four-Day MIT REAP Scale-Up Summer School with Bill Aulet, May 20 – 23, 2019

Category: Business News

As part of an entrepreneurial consortium among six top universities in Norway, the University of Stavanger Business School has the pleasure of hosting the Summer School 2019. This is a unique opportunity to meet an award-winning educator, author and managing director who is changing the way entrepreneurship is understood, taught, and practiced around the world. […]

Source: UiS

Published: December 22, 2024


Curt Rice ansatt som rektor for fire nye år


Category: Education / Research

Styret ansatte 25. oktober Curt Rice som rektor ved OsloMet for en ny fireårsperiode, med start 1. august 2019. – Styret har i dag ansatt en godt kvalifisert rektor for den neste perioden, som viser sterkt engasjement for OsloMet sitt samfunnsoppdrag. Curt Rice har levert effektivt i tråd med de målsetninger han og styret har […]

Source: OsloMet


BI blant de 100 beste på global FT-rangering


Category: Education / Research

Handelshøyskolen BI oppnår en 87. plass med sin Master of Science in Business (Siviløkonomstudiet) på Financial Times’ rangering av verdens 100 beste Masters in Management-programmer i 2018. Rangeringen er blant annet basert på kandidatenes lønns- og karriereutvikling etter endt studie, antall ansatte med doktorgrad, kvinneandel i styre, fagstab og blant studentene, samt en rekke kriterier […]

Source: BI


Norwegian officials tout relations between countries during Midwest tour


Category: Education / Research

Bard Ludvig Thorheim, political adviser to Norway’s minister of foreign affairs, expected his recent trip through the Midwest to be informative and productive, but he did not expect to find home. Nevertheless, he discovered the spirit of Norway lived on in the residents of the “Norwegian-American heartland.” “They told about what they had heard from […]

Source: Grand Forks Herald

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