Education / Research

Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus blir OsloMet – storbyuniversitet


Category: Education / Research

Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA) har i dag fått status som universitet med navnet OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet. Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KhiO) har fått status som vitenskapelig høyskole og Fjellhaug internasjonale høyskole har fått status som høyskole. Basert på vurderingene til en sakkyndig komité, har NOKUT slått fast at HiOA oppfyller kravene til å blir […]

Source: Regjeringen


Final Call for Sons of Norway 2018 Scholarship Applicants – January 15th Deadline


Category: Education / Research

The Sons of Norway Foundation awards approximately 25 scholarships to promising students each year. These programs promote cultural exchange and support higher education to help students follow their dreams. Read more about our opportunities available HERE

Source: Sons of Norway


MIT Study Suggests US Oil Output Forecasts Vastly Overstated


Category: Education / Research

Turns out, America’s decade-long shale boom might just end up being a little too good to be true. There’s no denying that fracking has turned the U.S. into a force in the global oil and gas markets, which has more than a few people abuzz about the prospect of energy independence. But now, researchers at MIT have […]

Source: Bloomberg


BI beste norske skole på siste Financial Times-rangering


Category: Education / Research

Handelshøyskolen BI oppnår dette året en 33.-plass på den årlige Financial Times European Business School Rankings 2017. Det plasserer BI som beste skole i Norge og som nummer tre i Norden. – I denne årlige rangeringen konkurrerer vi med de 95 mest prestisjefylte utdanningsinstitusjonene i Europa. Resultatene har stor betydning for vårt internasjonale renommé og […]



Borderless entrepreneurship


Category: Education / Research

American students learn about Norway’s entrepreneurial ecosystem through the embassy’s Virtual Ambassador Program. Entrepreneurship is global; it is not limited by borders or time zones but instead fueled by connecting multiple perspectives to create value and seize opportunity. We each embody talents necessary to innovate, create, and contribute to the global entrepreneurial landscape. Being engaged […]

Source: Norwegian American

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