Category: Culture / Lifestyle
Arnold Schwarzenegger (70) er begeistret for statsminister Erna Solberg. I et brev til statsministeren skriver han entusiastisk om hvordan hun viser verden vei i miljøspørsmål og han inviterer seg selv til Norge. Til tross for en omfattende hjerteoperasjon for kort tid siden er Arnold Schwarzenegger tilbake for fullt. Mer kamplysten på vegne av klimaet enn […]
Source: TV2
Category: Culture / Lifestyle
State Secretary Kristin Holm Jensen (featured) said the government hopes, but can not promise that a bill on dual citizenship will be presented for parliament this summer. Norwegians Worldwide has previously written about how the Storting have called for a new bill on dual citizenship as soon as possible. On the question of progress in the […]
Category: Culture / Lifestyle
Norway offers the third best work-life balance for expats, according to latest Expat Insider survey by Internations. On a global scale, expats working full time spend an average of 44.3 hours a week at work: about three in five of them are satisfied with their work-life balance (60%) as well as their working hours (61%). […]
Source: TNP
Category: Culture / Lifestyle
Reiselivet i Rogaland har ingen planer om å la premieren på Mission Impossible forbigå i stillhet. En rekke konkrete markedskampanjer er under planlegging i forbindelse med premieren – både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Over et halvt år etter at de spektakulære actionscenene med Tom Cruise ble spilt inn i Lysefjorden, nærmere det seg premiere. Det skal […]
Source: Stavanger Chamber
Category: Culture / Lifestyle
This month, the former Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle dropped the middle third of its name and opened the doors to its spectacular new home. This landmark institution aims to serve as a cultural center with a focus not only on the past, but also on contemporary aspects of life — and the arts — […]
Source: WashDiplomat