Chemicals / Metals

What New Tariffs Mean For American Businesses With Interests In Europe

Category: Business News

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron and congressional Republicans in the U.S. are speaking out against President Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs, after he announced Thursday that he would officially place them on allies Canada, Mexico and the European Union. Here & Now‘s Peter O’Dowd speaks with Susan Danger (@AmChamEU_SDA), CEO of the American […]



Autonomous Port Operations to Support Yara Birkeland


Category: Chemicals / Metals

Kalmar will deliver autonomous equipment, software and services for a unique, fully digitalized container handling solution at the Porsgrunn quayside in Norway for fertilizer company and shipowner Yara. This will mean that all the necessary operations related to the world’s first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland will be conducted in a fully autonomous manner, with […]

Source: Maritime Executive


Diskuterte handelstiltak med USA


Category: Chemicals / Metals

Næringsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen diskuterte norsk bekymring for amerikanske handelstiltak med USAs handelsminister Wilbur Ross i Washington D.C. – Det var et godt møte, men det ble selvsagt ikke gitt noen løfter over bordet. Samtidig understreket Ross at Trump-administrasjonen trolig vil behandle Norge og EU likt i denne saken. Det er for tidlig å si […]

Source: Regjeringen


Røe Isaksen lader opp før tollkamp i USA


Category: Chemicals / Metals

Amerikanske handelstiltak og president Donald Trumps varslede høyere toll på aluminium og stål står øverst på agendaen når Røe Isaksen møter den amerikanske handelsministeren Wilbur Ross torsdag. USA-reisen starter allerede mandag. Da blir det tacomiddag i New York med norske tech-bedrifter som blant annet skal diskutere etablering på østkysten eller vestkysten og hva norske myndigheter […]



House Members: Metal Tariff Exclusions Too Slow


Category: Chemicals / Metals

 A bipartisan group of 39 House members wrote to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross on May 7 to voice frustration that the process for excluding specific steel and aluminum products from Section 232 tariffs is slow and cumbersome. The letter reads in part: “We appreciate that, in response to Member and constituent requests, you have implemented […]

Source: US Chamber of Commerce

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