All posts by Janice Gundersen

HOD: Metodevurderinger SKAL fullføres innen 180 dager

Dette nye tiltaket, som er en markant innstramming fra tidligere retningslinjer, tar sikte på å fremskynde tilgangen til nye og potensielt livsforbedrende legemidler for pasienter. 

Kravet fra Helseministeren kommuniseres i Tildelingsbrevet til Direktoratet for medisinske produkter (DMP). Men det er ikke aktuelt med forskriftsfesting av kravet, statssekretær Karl Kristian Bekeng (AP) i Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (HOD) til HealthTalk.

Kraftfullt grep fra Kjerkol
Et tildelingsbrev er et styringsdokument fra et departement til en underordnet etat, som angir politiske prioriteringer, mål, oppgaver, og økonomiske rammer for et kommende år. Det sikrer at etaten arbeider i tråd med regjeringens politikk og mål, og spesifiserer krav til rapportering og forvaltning av tildelte ressurser.

I lys av økende politiske frustrasjoner etter årevis med lang og stadig økende saksbehandlingstid for vurderinger av nye legemidler, har helseministeren nå tatt et kraftfullt grep for å adressere problemet. 

Les hele artikkelen her.

AI Measures in US and EU: Preparing Businesses for New Requirements & Expectations

AI Measures in US and EU: Preparing Businesses for New Requirements & Expectations

In partnership with SAS Institute and our fellow Nordic AmChams, we were pleased to host a virtual discussion on AI measures in the US & EU with Reggie Townsend, Vice President at SAS Institute and member of the U.S. National AI Advisory Committee.

The event focused on governmental measures aimed at regulating AI, including the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Executive Order in the US, and the EU’s upcoming Trustworthy AI Act.

Josefin Rosén – Nordic Head of AI

Reggie Townsend

Reggie Townsend – Vice President

As a member of the AI Advisory Board to President Biden, Reggie Townsend shared the background and status of the Executive Order. Joining the discussion was SAS Institute’s Nordic Head of AI Josefin Rosén, who shared the status of the EU’s AI regulatory law coming into force in the coming months.

We sincerely thank our friends at AmCham Denmark for arranging and virtually hosting us!

Empire Wind 1 awarded offtake contract in New York’s fourth offshore wind solicitation round

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) today announced Equinor’s Empire Wind 1 project one of the conditional winners in its fourth offshore wind solicitation round.

The award is an important milestone for the advancement of the project, which can deliver 810 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy to New York. An already highly mature offshore wind project, Empire Wind 1 targets to deliver first power to New York in 2026.

Equinor and NYSERDA will now negotiate an Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificate (OREC) Purchase and Sale Agreement, with contract execution expected within Q2 2024.

“Today’s award is an important milestone in our continued efforts to maximize value creation from Empire Wind 1, currently one of the biggest and most mature renewables projects in the US. The award represents an important contribution to New York’s climate ambitions from a large-scale project in a growth market that has demonstrated a strong commitment to offshore wind. We are working diligently to bring the project to an investment decision during the third quarter of this year. With the use of project financing, we currently expect our US East Coast offshore wind investments to deliver full-cycle nominal equity returns within the range of 12-16%. We intend to farm down to a new partner at the right time to further enhance value and reduce our exposure,” said Pål Eitrheim, executive vice president of Equinor Renewables.

Read full article here.

Equinor secures new helicopter capacity

Equinor secures 15 new helicopters for passenger traffic on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) through contracts with helicopter manufacturers Bell and Leonardo.

After an extensive process, Equinor has qualified new helicopter types for passenger transport on the NCS. Under these contracts, Equinor will receive ten new Bell 525 helicopters and five AW189 helicopters.

“These helicopter types will supplement the current Sikorsky S-92. All three helicopter models meet stringent safety requirements. By increasing from one to three helicopter models on the NCS we get more flexibility and regularity,” says Kjetil Hove, executive vice president, Exploration & Production Norway.

The first two helicopters will be delivered from Leonardo in the first quarter of 2025. In 2026, Leonardo will deliver three, and Bell four helicopters. The additional six helicopters from Bell will be delivered in line with the agreed production plan for the period 2027-2030.

Read full article here.

Telenor Group Announces Collaboration with NVIDIA to Support its AI-First Ambition

Barcelona—Mobile World Congress —February 26, 2024: Telenor announced today it is collaborating with NVIDIA to bring AI across the Nordic region, transform internal operational efficiencies and the communications network, and create new AI opportunities and partnerships with startups, enterprises, and government entities. With this collaboration, Telenor plans to become a sovereign AI cloud partner of NVIDIA, enabling generative AI across Nordic markets at the national level. In addition, Telenor aims to implement innovative AI solutions across its operations, from customer service to network optimisation.

As part of the collaboration, Telenor will leverage NVIDIA’s expertise in AI, cloud, and network technologies to create new opportunities for internal efficiencies and improve customer solutions. With initial operations at the national level in Norway, Telenor will enable generative AI across the region, signifying a leap forward for community and developer initiatives.

Telenor’s AI ambitions are firmly rooted in its AI-first program, which was announced today, that prioritises value-driven use cases across business areas, data modernisation, and responsible AI development in an inclusive, safe, secure, and sustainable way, as well as human capital upskilling. Telenor believes in a human-centric approach to AI development and use, working to raise ethical standards with regards to digital inclusion, sustainability, and security, as well as mitigating risks.

Read full article here.

Why a Norwegian battery company is building a plant outside of Atlanta, Georgia

A Norwegian battery company has been working since 2022 to open a supersize factory outside of Atlanta that will bring more than 700 jobs to the region.

Freyr Battery is developing a manufacturing process for lithium-ion batteries that it says will be less expensive and have less waste than the processes many competitors use. The batteries would be available for stationary energy storage and for use in electric vehicles.

The Georgia plant is one of the many projects whose existence is at least in part due to the Inflation Reduction Act, President Joe Biden’s 2022 climate law.


But Freyr has hit some potholes on its way to the Peach State.

The company said in November that it would not meet a target for one of its technical milestones by the end of 2023, and it was delaying the opening of a large-scale plant in Norway. One upshot was that the plant in Coweta County, already in the works about 40 miles southwest of Atlanta with a projected opening of 2026, would go online before the one in Norway.

Investors reacted negatively and the company’s share price dropped by about half.


This all occurred in Birger Steen’s first few months as Freyr’s CEO. The company board appointed him to the role in September, and said the previous CEO, cofounder Tom Einar Jensen, would become executive chairman. Steen has about 30 years of experience in the technology sector, including stints leading Microsoft’s operations in Norway and Russia.

Read full article here.

AmCham Mentorship Final Group Gathering: The Future of Work & Leadership

AmCham Mentorship Final Group Gathering: The Future of Work & Leadership

AmCham’s recent final 2023-24 Mentorship Program session, warmly hosted by Bain & Company, featured engaging presentations and discussions led by Partner Erik Nordbø and Citi Norway’s Managing Director & Country Officer Pål Rokke.   

The Future of Work   

The post pandemic era prompted a reevaluation of work-life balance and changing workplace motivations, with 58% of workers across 10 major economies considering the impact on their personal lives. Erik Nordbø shared the key themes that are reshaping work and the relationship between workers and firms – including automation, leveraging technology and the mainstream adoption of flexible arrangements, emphasizing the increasing importance of talent as a valuable resource in this era of business transition.


Erik Nordbø – Partner

Pål Rokke – Managing Director & Country Officer

20 Years of Leadership Perspective   

Pål Rokke shared reflections on his journey and emphasized Citi’s leadership principles along with his personal reflections. Taking ownership, delivering with pride, and succeeding together are at the core of the winning culture – these principles are the underlying success factors to delivering client and operational excellence at Citi. “The true measurement of leadership can only be earned by influence, and the proof of leadership is found in the followers,” Rokke stated.


The final portion of our session was dedicated to open mentor/mentee reflections on our respective nine-month experiences. What worked well? How can the popular program, now in its eight year, improve?   


One mentor acknowledged that “nurturing trust in the first phase of the program is key – establishing goals and needs for both parties.” Further, a mentee emphasized that “success is in creating and following the laid-out plan with concrete ambitions.” Another leader enthusiastically expressed the “constructive, open and honest conversations” and that “the program is uplifting and provides a surge of energy!”   

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, AmCham’s Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development. The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives and the result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham’s transatlantic member companies.   

2024-25 Registration Now Open! 

Registration is now open for the 2024-25 and ninth edition of our popular Mentorship Program. Kicking off in May, the program pairs participating Patron-level member leaders with top-performing employee mentees and includes:

  • Six one-on-one tailored mentor & mentee meetings (ca 1.5 hours each)
  • Four group sessions with special guest speakers
  • Professional development and new perspectives  

 For further information and interest in the program, please contact

Sustainable Energy in America 2024 Factbook

The Sustainable Energy in America Factbook – produced annually for the Business Council for Sustainable Energy by BloombergNEF – provides valuable year-over-year data and insights on the American energy transformation.

In 2023, U.S. clean energy sectors proved resilient as both mature and emerging decarbonization industries grew despite interest rate and supply chain difficulties. A suite of federal policies provided clear signals to the market, which responded with record-breaking levels of investment and deployment.

The 2024 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook covers the progress of the energy efficiency, natural gas, and renewable energy sectors. Download the report to find the latest data on these clean energy industries, as well as sustainable infrastructure, energy storage, hydrogen, renewable natural gas, electric vehicles, digitalization, industrial emissions, carbon capture storage, and more.

Read full report here.

Meeting the moment: combating AI deepfakes in elections through today’s new tech accord

As the months of 2024 unfold, we are all part of an extraordinary year for the history of both democracy and technology. More countries and people will vote for their elected leaders than in any year in human history. At the same time, the development of AI is racing ever faster ahead, offering extraordinary benefits but also enabling bad actors to deceive voters by creating realistic “deepfakes” of candidates and other individuals. The contrast between the promise and peril of new technology has seldom been more striking.

This quickly has become a year that requires all of us who care about democracy to work together to meet the moment.

Today, the tech sector came together at the Munich Security Conference to take a vital step forward. Standing together, 20 companies [1] announced a new Tech Accord to Combat Deceptive Use of AI in 2024 Elections. Its goal is straightforward but critical – to combat video, audio, and images that fake or alter the appearance, voice, or actions of political candidates, election officials, and other key stakeholders. It is not a partisan initiative or designed to discourage free expression. It aims instead to ensure that voters retain the right to choose who governs them, free of this new type of AI-based manipulation.

The challenges are formidable, and our expectations must be realistic. But the accord represents a rare and decisive step, unifying the tech sector with concrete voluntary commitments at a vital time to help protect the elections that will take place in more than 65 nations between the beginning of March and the end of the year.

While many more steps will be needed, today marks the launch of a genuinely global initiative to take immediate practical steps and generate more and broader momentum.

What’s the problem we’re trying to solve?

It’s worth starting with the problem we need to solve. New generative AI tools make it possible to create realistic and convincing audio, video, and images that fake or alter the appearance, voice, or actions of people. They’re often called “deepfakes.” The costs of creation are low, and the results are stunning. The AI for Good Lab at Microsoft first demonstrated this for me last year when they took off-the-shelf products, spent less than $20 on computing time, and created realistic videos that not only put new words in my mouth, but had me using them in speeches in Spanish and Mandarin that matched the sound of my voice and the movement of my lips.

Read full article here.

Tech giants pledge to fight AI deepfakes ahead of elections

Technology giants are planning a new industry “accord” to fight back against “deceptive artificial intelligence election content” that is threatening the integrity of major democratic elections across the world this year.

A draft Tech Accord, seen by POLITICO, showed technology companies want to work together to create tools like watermarks and detection techniques to spot, label and debunk “deepfake” AI-manipulated images and audio of public figures. The pledge also includes commitments to open up more about how the firms are fighting AI-generated disinformation on their platforms.

“We affirm that the protection of electoral integrity and public trust is a shared responsibility and a common good that transcends partisan interests and national borders,” the draft reads.

Read full article here