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EGA Circle: Employee Engagement and Development in New Normal

EGA Circle: Employee Engagement and Development in New Normal

As the COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated, change can happen – quickly and unexpectantly. Leaders and employees alike have adapted rapidly – learning new tools, creating alternative routines for work and life and maintaining productivity.

Now as we move past crisis into a ‘new normal’, many leaders are seeking new ways to motivate employees to continue adapting and delivering. At the same time, some organizations directly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis need to either restructure, retrain, reduce or hire staff with different skills. For all AmCham members, moving to the “New Normal” requires different approaches to Employee Development, Retention, Reduction, or Recruitment.

To facilitate AmCham members’ success engaging and developing employees for growth in the New Normal, EGA, the Executive Growth Alliance, offers a special peer collaboration circle for AmCham members.

EGA is global community that connects Open, Committed, Brave Leaders for future success. Through proven peer learning methodology (facilitated via a leading-edge virtual platform) members collaborate and gain inspiration as they address common challenges.

For this special AmCham Employee Engagement Circle,  AmCham member leaders who qualify by June 30 will be invited to join the EGA AmCham Circle for 3 months at a special rate of 6000 NOK (versus a standard 12,000 NOK / quarter rate for standard EGA Group Membership). 

Membership in the EGA Employee Engagement in the New Normal will provide:

  • Participation in three Exec Growth Circles to collaborate with 6-10 global peers (speakers / thought leaders in the Nordics, Europe or US) on common challenges, needs and future opportunities. During each 2-hour Executive Growth Circle virtual forum on the purpose-built Circles platform, the EGA certified Catalyst will facilitate discussion of real world cases, key learnings, and actions proven to deliver Employee Engagement in today’s environment.
  • Access to global resources, connections and ideas for future-readiness.

Contact Jennifer Vessels of EGA for more information.

Innlegg i DN: Equinor betaler skatt der verdiene skapes

I en artikkel i Dagens Næringsliv 23. mai rettes det kritikk mot at Equinor har selskaper i USA registrert i staten Delaware. DN har beklaget at Equinor ikke fikk anledning til å kommentere i artikkelen, og det er bra. Vi ønsker derfor å presisere følgende:

Equinor betaler skatt til de delstatene i USA der verdiene skapes, samt på føderalt nivå.

Les hele innlegget HER.

CNN: The Arctic explorers locked down in a tiny hut in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago

(CNN) — When Hilde Falun Strom and Sunniva Sorby began a long-planned expedition in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard last September, their main goal was to encourage conversation around climate change in the polar regions.
After spending close to nine months collecting data and samples for researchers in remote Basembu, situated 140 kilometers from the “nearest neighbor,” the adventurers were all set to bid farewell to the tiny wooden hut they’ve been calling home since the beginning of their trip.
However, as was the case for many people across the world, their plans were abruptly put on ice due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Now the pair have little choice but to remain cut off from civilization with only each other for company, along with their dog Ettra and various polar bears, reindeer and geese, until a ship is able to make it across to take them home.
Read entire article HERE.

Defense News: Senate confirms Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite

WASHINGTON ― The U.S. Senate confirmed a new Navy secretary, Kenneth “K.J.” Braithwaite, by voice vote on Thursday.

Braithwaite, a former ambassador to Norway and executive for American oil and health care companies, assumes the job after financier Richard V. Spencer was forced out of office amid a fight with the White House and senior defense leaders over the handling of a legal case against a Navy SEAL accused of war crimes.

At his confirmation hearing this month, Braithwaite vowed Thursday to improve public trust in leadership of the service after years of controversies have led to a “tarnished” culture within the ranks.

Read entire article HERE.

The AmChams in Europe join annual best practices conference online

Last week, the AmChams in Europe Network held its annual best practices conference virtually in Washington, D.C. where about 30 CEOs of AmChams from all over Europe and wider Europe joined. The five day conference consisted of virtual calls with several US stakeholders from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State, the Atlantic Council, the National Economic Council and Fox News Radio.

The discussions with the stakeholders and policy-makers focused on the Transatlantic relationship, EU-US trade, US-UK trade, Brexit, COVID-19 cooperation and China.

In each meeting Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU and Chair, AmChams in Europe presented the first joint statement published by ACE in March 2020, calling for solidarity, coordination and action. You can read it here.

List of speakers: 

  • Jon Decker, White House Correspondent, Fox News Radio.
  • Kate Kalutkiewicz, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Trade Policy, National Economic Council.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

  • Marjorie Chorlins, Senior Vice President, European Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  • Curtis Dubay, Senior Economist, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  • Ron Eidshaug, Vice President, Congressional and Public Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  • John G. Murphy, Senior Vice President for International Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  • Garrett Workman, Director, European Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

U.S. Department of State

  • Stephen Biegun, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of State. 
  • Roland DeMarcellus, Economic Bureau Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State.   
  • David Meale, Economic Bureau, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State.
  • Philip Reeker, Acting Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia, U.S. Department of State.  

Atlantic Council

  • Marc Busch, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council.
  • Daniel Fried, Weiser Family Distinguished Fellow, Atlantic Council.
  • Josh Lipsky, Director of Policy & Programs at the Atlantic Council’s Global Business & Economics Program.
  • Barbara Matthews, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council.
  • Ole Moehr, Associate Director, Atlantic Council’s Global Business & Economics Program.
  • Bart Oosterveld, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council.

Read original article HERE.

Upcoming AmCham Digitalization Forum: Top Tasks & the Pandemic – Digital Customer Experience

It has never been more important to get back to digital customer experience basics – to get absolute clarity on what truly matters, and what is getting in the way. A pandemic is no time for panic and chaos, and yet that is how many governments and organizations initially reacted to COVID-19. Poor planning, panic publishing, and things can quickly become a confusing mess.

Using the Top Tasks design framework, guest presenter Gerry McGovern is working with the WHO and governments to establish what really matters when it comes to COVID-19. To design an information architecture that helps both the public and professionals quickly and easily find what is most important to them. The approach is highly collaborative, with thousands of people involved from over 100 countries. It is an evidence-based, test-driven approach. Hear how clear and comprehensive information architecture and design approach combine to focus on what truly matters.

A Board Member of the US-based parent company of AmCham member Task Analytics, McGovern helps large organizations deliver a better digital customer experience. His commercial clients include Microsoft, Dropbox, Cisco, NetApp, VMware, and IBM. He has also consulted with the US, UK, EU, Dutch, Canadian, Norwegian, and Irish governments. A highly-regarded speaker, he has presented in 35 countries and has written seven books on digital customer experience.

AmCham Norway’s Digitalization Forum was initiated in 2016 in response to AmCham member company leaders’ need to better understand digital business environment challenges and opportunities. The series aims to foster confidence, inspire collaboration, and promote cross-industry dialogue. In light of ongoing COVID-19 considerations and virtual platform capabilities, we are pleased to also include members of AmChams Finland and Sweden in this tailored session. Join us!

Bloomberg: Masters of $1 Trillion Fund Reap Rewards of a Very Good Idea

In one of the world’s richest countries, the finance minister may soon need to break the spending record he just set.

For Jan Tore Sanner, the 55-year-old who’s been running Norway’s finances since January, that’s not really a problem thanks to a couple of choices his country made a while back.


Webinar Summary: COVID-19 Relief Packages for the Norwegian-American Business Ecosystem

Webinar Summary: Covid-19 Relief Packages for the Norwegian-American Business Ecosystem

Opening with remarks from Kåre Aas, the Norwegian Ambassador to the US, several representatives from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, US Embassy in Norway, US Department of Commerce / Select USA, Norwegian American Chambers of Commerce, AmCham Norway, and Innovation Norway presented on the various COVID-19 relief packages available in Norway and the United States. The webinar concluded with a Q&A with questions provided by members of the  Norwegian-American business community.  


Ambassador Kåre R. Aas, Ambassador of Norway to the United States of America

Gro Dyrnes, Innovation Norway, Regional Director America

Ryan Wallace, Senior International Investment Specialist,
SelectUSA, US Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration

Jason Turflinger, Manging Director, AmCham Norway

Live Sletten Diakolios, General Manager, Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce

Jeanett Sandmo, Head of Strategy Entrepreneur & Startup Division, Innovation Norway

Geir Ove Hansen, Head of Department Financing Portfolio, Innovation Norway

Marianne Tonning Kinnari, Head of Environmental Technology, Innovation Norway


The Norwegian American: Kahoot! game-based learning platform an international hit

Kahoot! continued its growth last quarter when the coronavirus started. The Norwegian quiz game company ended with a 220% increase in sales from the same period last year. The startup delivers engaging learning and is used by teachers, students, businesses, and parents for group learning, e-learning, distance learning, and self-study everywhere.

The award-winning company’s number of users just keeps growing. For the last 12 months, 218 million games have been played, with an annual growth of 19%. And Kahoot! is just starting to accept payments from the users. Since the beginning of this year, they have gained 32,000 new paying users. A recent financial analysis done in Oslo finds that the company has great potential. 

Read entire article HERE.