All posts by admin

Business Standard: Trump move to ban H-1B visa will hurt job creation, warns business chamber

Opposing the Trump administration’s “sweeping attempt” to restrict legal immigration, the Chamber of Commerce on Monday (local time) said suspending work visas to secure high-skilled jobs for Americans in a bid to revive the coronavirus-battered would not help the country and would rather only slow down growth and reduce in US markets.

“Today’s proclamation is a severe and sweeping attempt to restrict legal immigration. Putting up a ‘not welcome’ sign for engineers, executives, IT experts, doctors, nurses and other workers won’t help our country, it will hold us back. Restrictive changes to our nation’s immigration system will push investment and economic activity abroad, slow growth, and reduce job creation,” US Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue said in a statement.

Read entire article HERE.

Reuters: Norway must keep strict border controls to avoid new infections – PM

OSLO (Reuters) – Norway, which has some of the strictest travel restrictions in Europe, must maintain tight control of its borders to avoid importing COVID-19 cases from abroad, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said on Friday.

Fears of an early second wave of infections in Europe are growing as the continent lifts travel restrictions ahead of the summer holidays.

“There is still a danger of new infections … Cases of infection coming from abroad is the biggest danger today,” Solberg told parliament. “So it is important to keep control.”

Read entire article HERE.

NPR: Trump Expected To Suspend H-1B, Other Visas Until End Of Year

President Trump is expected to sign an order to suspend H-1B, L-1 and other temporary work visas through the end of the year, according to the multiple sources familiar with the plan.

The new order — which is expected to come with broad exceptions — comes as the administration continues to wrestle with high unemployment among American workers because of the coronavirus pandemic and tries to kick-start the economic recovery.

The order would target H-1B visas, which are designed for certain skilled workers such as those employed in the tech industry, as well as L-1 visas, which are meant for executives who work for large corporations.

Read entire article HERE.

Bloomberg: Norway to Rein In Wind Power After Raging Opposition From Locals

Norway is set to tighten rules for building wind turbines, caving in to massive protests from locals.

A government proposal on Friday to slow down the development of onshore wind power comes after increasing local resistance mirrors sentiment in other European countries. Norway already decided to scrap a plan for a new permission framework last year.

Norway, which has already developed a massive hydropower network, faces an increased need for clean energy for the electrification of everything from transportation to oil platforms.

Read entire article HERE.

AmCham Financial Forum: International Learnings, Values & Principles

AmCham Financial Forum: International Learnings, Values & Principles

“With days normally filled with execution, it’s good to take a step back and think about what’s important.” So began special guest Bjørn Eide’s reflective presentation to peers during AmCham’s latest Financial Forum. Eide, VP of Finance at Norwegian big data firm Cognite, openly shared his most important lessons learned, having led financial teams in India, the Philippines, and Canada before returning to Oslo last autumn.

“Honor and integrity, above all else,” are what have guided Eide through his 9-year gambit of international financial department leadership challenges and successes. Though familiar, the return to Norway has not been without its surprises – especially within recruiting, divergent perspectives and professional passion, according to Eide.

Now well into the COVID-19 cycle, several Forum participants then went on to illustrate how their respective industries were faring. Macrotrends, pending Norwegian legislation, newly developed technologies and reworked revenue streams were all on the virtual discussion table.

About the Financial Forum

AmCham’s Financial Forum is a platform that provides cross-industry financial leads the opportunity to share best practices and have open discussions amongst peers – building a better understanding of what it takes to run a successful international finance department in Norway.  Through roundtable discussions and engaging, interactive workshops, member participants delve into real world financial operations challenges.

Please contact us for interest in participating in future Forums.

Press Release: Norway elected to the UN Security Council

Today, Norway was elected as a member of the UN Security Council for the period 2021–2022. ‘We would like to thank the UN member states for the confidence they have shown in us.  The world needs more international cooperation to promote peace and security. We will make use of our seat on the Security Council to strengthen this work,’ said Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

The UN General Assembly in New York today elected new members to the UN Security Council for the period 2021–2022. Norway, Ireland and Canada put forward their candidatures for the two seats available for the Western European and Others Group. Norway was elected with 130 votes. Ireland was elected with 128 votes.

Read entire press release HERE.

3BL Media: Best Coporate Citizens 2020

Now more than ever, corporate leadership on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues is imperative. And so is transparency. As companies decarbonize, align with the Sustainable Development Goals and rebuild an equitable economy post-pandemic, they must be open about their efforts. Each year, 3BL Media evaluates the largest public U.S. companies on ESG transparency and performance.

See the rankings HERE.

E24: Laerdal Medical dropper permitteringene

De 1500 ansatte i Laerdal-konsernet slipper likevel å redusere arbeidstiden til fire dagers uke og gå ned i lønn. Årsaken er flere nye kontrakter de siste ukene.

– Vi er glade for at vi slipper på effektuere permitteringsvarslene som vi sendte ut for to uker siden, sier eier og daglig leder Tore Lærdal i Laerdal Medical til Aftenbladet.

Begrunnelsen for permitteringsvarslene den 3. juni var covid-19 og dermed «betydelig overkapasitet og fallende inntjening» framover.

Les hele saken HER.

AmCham Norway Releases 2020-21 Membership Guide

Membership Guide 2020-21

Your guide to the transatlantic business community

We proudly present to you our 2020-21 Membership Guide! This annual publication serves to promote the exchange of information within AmCham’s extensive network of member and partner organizations throughout Norway, the United States, and beyond. AmCham continues to work diligently to further develop US-Norway business relations through a growing portfolio of member services, policy initiatives, and events.


The central theme of this year’s guide is Multinationals in Norway. Throughout this publication, you will find articles highlighting how multinational companies have become engines for growth and stability in times of crisis. In addition, you will find articles highlighting our cross-industry forums, leadership development programs, and wide range of gatherings hosted both in-person and virtually over the past year.

Physical copies of our Membership Guide will be distributed to our members and partners in August.

AmCham sincerely thanks all member advertisers for making this publication possible:

Medtronic: Leaning into change

Lights from Tokyo’s Shibuya Crossing and New York’s Times Square pulse to empty streets and echoes of ambulance sirens. The bustle of workplaces and neighborhood school yards remain quiet as we retreat to makeshift home offices and improvised virtual classrooms. Sheltering in place feels like the world is on pause — but that is far from the truth.

No individual, industry, or country was ready for coronavirus. Traditional systems continue to buckle under the strains of disruption, forcing years of change in a matter of months. Every day, doctors and nurses don their armor of latex, plexiglass, and cotton. They’re backed by supporters big and small: from manufacturing and healthcare companies, to parents-turned-mask-makers, and 3D printing entrepreneurs.

Read entire article HERE.