Tag Archives: Mentorship Program

AmCham Mentorship Program Kickoff 2024-2025

AmCham Mentorship Program Kickoff 2024-2025 – Leading for Impact & International Perspectives

The 2024-2025 and ninth edition of the AmCham Mentorship Program kicked off at BI Norwegian Business School’s Oslo campus, including 78 program participants from 34 Patron member companies across 10 industries – emphasizing the unique, cross-industry design of the program.

A Unique Collaborative Platform

Welcoming guests to BI Norwegian Business School was BI’s Provost for Research, Learning, and Impact, Harald Øverby. Øverby has extensive experience in teaching and has published over 100 academic papers and has taught and developed university courses for more than 20 years. His opening remarks provided insights, deep purpose, and the history of mentorship – including the importance of shaping the leaders of tomorrow. 

The sessions first keynote speaker, BI’s Thomas Hoholm, Head of DepartmentDepartment of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, presented Leading for impact in times of turbulence and uncertainty. 

Hoholm, drawing from his research on innovation and entrepreneurship, guided us through expertise and practical knowledge in future-making, as well as the importance of creating an environment for learning and openness. His presentation centered on his deep experience in mentoring innovators and change-makers.  

"Understand the meaning, stay open.”

Harald Øverby

Thomas Hoholm

Amber S Gell

Amber S. Gell, Director of Strategy and Partnerships at Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT), gave us a crash course An International Perspective on Leadership: Best practices and perceptions that transcend cultural boundaries. 

Amber is passionate about space exploration, particularly human spaceflight, where teamwork is essential. With extensive experience in the American aerospace industry, including contributions to NASA’s Orion Spacecraft and the UK’s Spaceflight Program, she excels as an executive leader and strategist within the international space and defense sector. She informed us on communication styles and function, as well as deftly demonstrating how “business is a team sport!” 

“You can lead from any place and any position..”

Participating Companies 2024-25:

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, AmCham’s Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development. 

The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham’s transatlantic member companies. 

The Mentorship program is available to Patron-level members of AmCham Norway. For further information and interest in the program, please contact Janice Gundersen at jg@amcham.no.  

AmCham Mentorship Final Group Gathering: The Future of Work & Leadership

AmCham Mentorship Final Group Gathering: The Future of Work & Leadership

AmCham’s recent final 2023-24 Mentorship Program session, warmly hosted by Bain & Company, featured engaging presentations and discussions led by Partner Erik Nordbø and Citi Norway’s Managing Director & Country Officer Pål Rokke.   

The Future of Work   

The post pandemic era prompted a reevaluation of work-life balance and changing workplace motivations, with 58% of workers across 10 major economies considering the impact on their personal lives. Erik Nordbø shared the key themes that are reshaping work and the relationship between workers and firms – including automation, leveraging technology and the mainstream adoption of flexible arrangements, emphasizing the increasing importance of talent as a valuable resource in this era of business transition.


Erik Nordbø – Partner

Pål Rokke – Managing Director & Country Officer

20 Years of Leadership Perspective   

Pål Rokke shared reflections on his journey and emphasized Citi’s leadership principles along with his personal reflections. Taking ownership, delivering with pride, and succeeding together are at the core of the winning culture – these principles are the underlying success factors to delivering client and operational excellence at Citi. “The true measurement of leadership can only be earned by influence, and the proof of leadership is found in the followers,” Rokke stated.


The final portion of our session was dedicated to open mentor/mentee reflections on our respective nine-month experiences. What worked well? How can the popular program, now in its eight year, improve?   


One mentor acknowledged that “nurturing trust in the first phase of the program is key – establishing goals and needs for both parties.” Further, a mentee emphasized that “success is in creating and following the laid-out plan with concrete ambitions.” Another leader enthusiastically expressed the “constructive, open and honest conversations” and that “the program is uplifting and provides a surge of energy!”   

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, AmCham’s Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development. The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives and the result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham’s transatlantic member companies.   

2024-25 Registration Now Open! 

Registration is now open for the 2024-25 and ninth edition of our popular Mentorship Program. Kicking off in May, the program pairs participating Patron-level member leaders with top-performing employee mentees and includes:

  • Six one-on-one tailored mentor & mentee meetings (ca 1.5 hours each)
  • Four group sessions with special guest speakers
  • Professional development and new perspectives  

 For further information and interest in the program, please contact janice.gundersen@amcham.no.

AmCham Mentorship Program – 3rd Group Gathering 2023

AmCham Mentorship Program Group Meeting: Inclusive Leadership & Reverse Mentoring

AmCham’s recent Mentorship Program group gathering was cordially hosted at GE Healthcare‘s production facility in Oslo. Our session featured informative presentations and discussions by General Manager Cathrine Thomassen and Stine Saatvedt, Customer Success Account Manager at Microsoft.   

Our group received an overview of GE Healthcare’s expansive Norway operations and key facts on their impressive production facilities. Cathrine shared her experience and insights on inclusive leadership, focusing on actions that leaders can take to enhance inclusivity, understanding, and competence. Cathrine Thomassen emphasized that “inclusive leadership is embedded throughout our entire company, and as the standard, we aim to be the best at GE Healthcare.” It is a daily practice, ensuring that diversity is respected and humility is observed, creating space for others to contribute. Cathrine also reminded the group of our unconscious bias, and that all leaders should take this into consideration.

“Inclusive leadership is embedded throughout our entire company, and as the standard, we aim to be the best at GE Healthcare .”

Cultivating a Culture of Cross-Generational Learning

In the second half of the session, we learned that Microsoft upholds the same high organizational standards as it does in its products and services. While other companies seek to fine-tune their culture to remain attractive to young talent, Microsoft’s approach, “guided by our mission, is to nurture an inclusive culture within our organization and the products we create. We empower our employees through Employee Resource Groups, which offer opportunities for growth, celebration, and community engagement.”  

Stine stressed that the power of reverse mentoring is particularly relevant in this new AI era, where younger and older generations benefit in cross-sharing knowledge – helping to lead in the evolving landscape and directly impacting companies’ bottom lines. True empowerment is achievable through inclusion, and Microsoft’s mission is tied to the idea that success means including every individual.   

“Guided by our mission, is to nurture an inclusive culture within our organization and the products we create. We empower our employees through Employee Resource Groups, which offer opportunities for growth, celebration, and community engagement!”

Cathrine Thomassen - GE Healthcare

Stine Saatvedt - Microsoft

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, AmCham’s Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development. The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham’s transatlantic member companies.

For further information and interest in the program, please contacjanice.gundersen@amcham.no.

Past Mentorship Program Events

AmCham Mentorship Program – 2nd Group Gathering 2023

AmCham Mentorship Program Group Meeting: Work Culture & High-Quality Mentoring

AmCham’s latest Mentorship Program group gathering, graciously hosted by AIG, featured enlightening presentations and discussions by both AIG’s Tobias Larsen and Elisabeth Hellemose. Shedding light on the theme of “Bridging US and Nordic Work Cultures,” their insights into AIG’s approach to Values, Volunteerism, and Employee Resource Groups underscored how these strategies foster not only employee engagement but also enhanced performance.

A Unique Collaborative Platform

Mirha Sunagić, Associate Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), subsequently shared her team’s detailed research on AmCham’s Mentorship Program. In her “High-Quality Mentoring Relationships” presentation, Professor Sunagić shared findings on how the program serves as a unique collaborative platform, preparing emerging leaders for the challenges of today’s international business environment – while fostering robust AmCham community connections.

The meeting culminated in productive break-out sessions where mentors and mentees exchanged insights from their program experiences thus far. The cohort looks forward to embarking on the program’s second half in the months ahead!

Participating Companies 2022-23:

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, AmCham’s Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development.

The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham’s transatlantic member companies. For further information and interest in the program, please contact amcham@amcham.no.

AmCham Mentorship Program Kickoff: Ownership & Trust

AmCham Mentorship Program Kickoff 2023-2024 - Ownership & Trust

The 2023-2024 and eighth edition of the AmCham Mentorship Program kicked off at BI Norwegian Business School’s Oslo campus, including 64 program participants from 30 companies across 10 industries – underscoring the unique, cross-industry design of the program. Program participants vary from continuing mentors to those who are brand-new to the program.

Karen Spens – BI Norwegian Business School

Welcoming guests to her venue was Karen Spens, President of BI Norwegian Business School. Spens, who has extensive experience in mentoring relationships, emphasized the importance of making colleagues feel seen, heard, and included to inspire a sense of ownership in the organization’s work and mission through her mantra: listen, learn, lead. Spens has truly unique insights into shaping the leaders of tomorrow, referencing the impressive statistic that one in three leaders in Norway are in fact graduates of BI.   

“Listen, learn, lead.”

Participants at the 2023-24 Kickoff

The session’s second keynote speaker, Jennifer J. Linnekaste, PhD, LPC. and Assignment Manager at Panamera Executive Search, gave a dynamic and engaging crash course in Building a Strong Mentor/Mentee Relationship.

Linnekaste, a former US professor in Counseling Psychology, explained the psychology behind establishing trust, as well as the importance of aligning expectations at the onset of the mentor-mentee relationship; the two top drivers for a successful partnership. She also presented various approaches a mentor can apply in their dialogue with mentees, in addition to practical tools.

“Be present, be honest.”

Jennifer J. Linnekaste – Panamera Executive Search

Participating Companies 2023-24:

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, AmCham’s Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development.

The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham’s transatlantic member companies.

The Mentorship program is available to Patron-level members of AmCham Norway. For further information and interest in the program, please contact amcham@amcham.no.

Past Mentorship Program Events

AmCham Mentorship Program – Final Group Gathering 2023

AmCham Mentorship Program Final Group Gathering: Change Management & Talent Trends

Participants of the AmCham Mentorship Program attended their fourth and final group gathering; the culmination of a 9-month program consisting of group gatherings and one-on-one mentor-mentee sessions for 62 participants from 26 member organizations across ten industries. The finale, held at IBM’s inviting and interactive Client Center in the heart of downtown Oslo, featured presentations by IBM and Talent Solutions (ManpowerGroup).


Hans-Henrik Merckoll


May-Britt Falcke

Country Director

Leadership in Unchartered Terrain

At the helm since 2019, Hans-Henrik Merckoll, CEO at IBM Norway has led the company through transformational change including restructuring and global pandemic retooling. When confronted by uncertainty, the leadership compass instinctively points towards the company’s purpose: to be a catalyst for positive change in the world. In addition, “passion emanated through leadership will ultimately evoke the same notion with clients and employees.” Responding to the pandemic aftermath, Merckoll walked participants through initiatives presented at the workplace to maintain the all-important corporate culture. In addition to recognizing high performance amongst employees, their development is also weighted, where also “failures” are part and parcel of the journey towards improvement.

“The new world is built on speed.”

IBM, now focusing on hybrid cloud and AI, is a leading American multinational technology corporation that has thrived for 112 years. In order to maintain status as a preferred technology partner meeting the needs of today and understanding the needs of the future, IBM focuses heavily on research and development. A purpose-led leadership combined with mandatory employee training (R&D curriculum) are, as demonstrated by Merckoll, factors that ensure continued engagement, production levels, and results, in a world that is changing very quicky.

The New Human Age

As technological disruption and talent shortages increase the complexity of workforce needs, organizations must optimize talent strategies to execute their business strategies. With over 28 years’ experience with developing teams, May-Britt Falcke, Country Manager at Talent Solutions, knows first-hand how organizations can best be equipped when maneuvering the new talent markets.

One of the world’s largest staffing firms, the ManpowerGroup’s expert family of brands – consisting of Manpower, Experis, Jefferson Wells and Talent Solutions – all provide specialized workforce solutions. Talent Solutions is a global talent management offering that provides outplacement, career management and leadership development. Drawing from the Group’s latest report: The New Human Age, Falcke presented workforce trends shaping the future of work. Shifting demographics (an older workforce), individual choice, tech adoption, and selected competitive drivers were named as the main forces impacting the future of work, each supported by underlying trends. Echoing Merckoll’s point on speed, Falcke also pointed out the rapid development within technology and thus the need for personnel in that field, requiring flexible solutions in order to pivot in this “new age.”

Participating Companies 2022-23:

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, the AmCham Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development.

The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham member companies.

The Mentorship program is available to Patron-level members of AmCham Norway. For interest in participating in the upcoming edition of AmCham’s Mentorship Program, please contact Margrethe.Harboe@amcham.no.

Past Mentorship Program Events

AmCham Mentorship Program – Group Gathering 3, 2022

AmCham Mentorship Program - 3rd Group Gathering

Leaders’ commitment to sustainability and employee wellbeing were on the agenda as participants of the 2022-2023 edition of the AmCham Mentorship Program attended their third group gathering at BCG’s Oslo office. There, presentations featured AmCham members BCG and Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Norway (CCEP).

Robert Hjorth


Carl Lescroart

Vice President & Country Director

Martine Bjørnstad Malterud

Assistant Director Strategy & Insight

Happiness in Focus

As one of the leading consumer goods companies in the world, with 33,000 employees across 29 markets, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners has made it their priority to map employee engagement locally whilst maintaining high awareness of their global impact. While the world was “set on pause,” with many unknowns emerging from the pandemic, more credence was lent to questioning happiness, as explained by Carl Lescroart, Vice President & Country Director Norway.

“When I will have died, there is no one who will say: he increased the market share of Dove.”

To support the individual’s wellbeing as an integrated strategy, Martine Bjørnstad Malterud, Head of Strategic Planning/ Assistant Director Strategy & Insight, showed guests how they have implemented concrete steps within the organization, including regular questionnaires. Moreover, conveying a sense of purpose, duty and service ultimately engages employees at a fundamental level. Lescroart elaborated, explaining that empathy and courage displayed in leadership will in turn encourage employees to raise their voice. The importance of purpose was illustrated by the following quote by Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever. “When I will have died, there is no one who will say: he increased the market share of Dove.”

The Biggest Challenge

Arguably, there is no larger leadership challenge facing both current and future leaders than steering towards sustainability pledges set by the international community. Partner Robert Hjorth leads BCG’s climate and sustainability work in Norway and outlined the current state of greenhouse gas emission’s effect on global warming, and the path towards net zero emissions by 2050. At the current trajectory, and without drastic action, the world will not reach the goal of 1.5°C by 2050, nor well below 2°C.

The corporate agenda for climate action can be broken down into: commit, act, and engage. In addition to proactive investments and innovations, all must actively seek opportunities to collaborate in order to move forward, together.

Hjorth then gave a synopsis of Norway’s situation and projected development of emission targets through 2050. BCG’s roadmap shows that a feasible and affordable pathway to net zero (and beyond) for Norway does exist, if a holistic approach to climate action, prioritization and capital allocation is taken.

As illustrated by both presentations, implementing ambitious sustainability targets is imperative to the goal of retaining talent within the organization, as it demands a purpose-led strategy, as well as stakeholders who are aware of the necessity of sustainable action in order to operate competitively.


Photos: BCG Norway

Participating Companies 2022-23:

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, the AmCham Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development.

The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham member companies.

The Mentorship program is available to Patron-level members of AmCham Norway. For further information and interest in the program, please contact Margrethe.Harboe@amcham.no.

Past Mentorship Program Events

AmCham Mentorship Program – Group Gathering 2, 2022

AmCham Mentorship Program - 2nd Group Gathering

Participants of the 2022-2023 edition of the AmCham Mentorship Program attended their second group gathering at EY’s Oslo Barcode office, featuring presentations by Christin E. Bøsterud, Managing Partner at EY Norway and Alisdair Munro, Senior Client Partner at Korn Ferry.

Christin E. Bøsterud

Managing Partner

Alisdair Munro

Senior Client Partner

“Leadership changes everything.”

Welcomed by EY Partner Marius Leivestad, the program kicked off with Alisdair Munro who is part of Korn Ferry’s Technology and CEO & Board Practices in EMEA. Korn Ferry is a global organizational consulting firm, advising organizations on human capital. With a 30-year leadership and executive career, Munro draws from experience spanning the air transport industry, telecommunications/ICT and industry politics. For the diverse group of participants representing over 10 different industries, he presented Return on Leadership & Enterprise Leadership. Referencing findings from Korn Ferry’s recent report on enterprise leadership,  Munro explained how “leadership changes everything”, and how today’s enterprise leaders must embody change and change the business, as opposed to merely running the business. Munro also introduced the concept of ROL (return on leadership), as a key concept for enhanced business performance.

To follow, Christin E. Bøsterud, who is also EY’s Nordic Chief Sustainability Officer, presented Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Walking the Talk et EY. A lawyer with a PhD in ethics and committed to diversity and inclusion at all levels – including leadership – Bøsterud is a Nordic sponsor of EY’s Women. Fast Forward program. Motivated on personal and professional level, Bøsterud approaches diversity beyond “typical” discrimination as it pertains to gender, and considers cultural and professional background, age, disabilities and other differences. As for equity, it’s “not just new shoes, but making sure they fit”, ensuring that the tools and systems deployed for fair and impartial treatment ultimately work. Inclusion starts in the hiring process and is upheld by creating an environment where individuals, of any “rank”, dare to contribute to the solutions and raise challenges. In addition, Bøsterud explained the importance of not just role models, but relatable role models; ones that represent characteristics beyond the scope of the so-called norm.

Participating Companies 2022-23:

Program participants

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, the AmCham Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development.

The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham member companies.

The Mentorship program is available to Patron-level members of AmCham Norway. For further information and interest in the program, please contact Margrethe.Harboe@amcham.no.

Past Mentorship Program Events

AmCham Mentorship Program Kickoff: Harnessing a Growth Mindset

AmCham Mentorship Program Kickoff 2022-2023 - Harnessing a 'Growth Mindset'

The 2022-2023 edition of the AmCham Mentorship Program kicked off at BI Norwegian Business School’s Oslo campus, representing 62 program participants from 26 companies across 10 industries and cementing the unique, cross-industry design of the program. The group spanned from those who have no prior experience with a mentoring relationship to continuing participants of the program.

The program, entering its seventh year, welcomed coveted guest presenter Whitney Johnson, who presented Smart Growth: How to Grow Your People to Grow Your Company live from the US East Coast. Ranked in eighth place on the 50 leading business thinkers in the world as named by Thinkers50, Whitney is an expert on smart growth leadership and is an award-winning author, world-class keynote speaker and frequent lecturer for Harvard Business School’s Corporate Learning.

Whitney Johnson

Addressing program participants, Whitney illustrated the concept of smart growth and the s-curve of learning, a process commencing with a launching point and concluding with mastery – a process that can prove challenging at times. However, “the slant is less steep when we are climbing the mountain together” Johnson noted, referencing the mutual support that is provided in a mentoring relationship.

“You’re not who you were, but you’re not quite who you’re going to be.”

In the pursuit of growth, Johnson eloquently described the dichotomy of existing in a process where “You’re not who you were, but you’re not quite who you’re going to be,” as each participant will present and discuss their own sets of goals to be addressed over the next nine months.

The presentation was followed by the long-awaited announcement of mentor and mentee pairings, where many partook in a one-on-one introductory meeting – the first milestone in their respective mentoring relationships.

Participating Companies 2022-23:

Participants at the 2022-23 Kickoff

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation, the AmCham Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development.

The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham member companies.

The Mentorship program is available to Patron-level members of AmCham Norway. For further information and interest in the program, please contact Margrethe.Harboe@amcham.no.

Past Mentorship Program Events

AmCham Mentorship Program Wrap-up & Next Edition!

AmCham Mentorship Program: 2021-2022 Season Wrap-up & Next Edition!

The 2021-2022 edition of the AmCham Mentorship Program convened for its final meeting in February. Presenting were Hydro’s Vice President of People, Communications and Sustainability, Erika Ahlqvist sharing her comparative leadership experiences working in the Nordics and the US, and Hudson Nordic’s CEO and Managing Director, Ola Lenes, who highlighted effective strategies for building and managing future mentorship relationships. Participants shared learnings and reflections gained from their respective mentee/mentor relations over the past nine months.

Erika Ahlqvist

Vice President of People, Communications and Sustainability


Ola Lenes

CEO and Managing Director

hudson logo

The sixth edition of the popular AmCham program included a record-breaking 74 participants from over 25 member companies and eight industries. It was kicked off virtually in April 2021 with Mentorship insights and tips from Tine Austvoll Jensen, Country Manager of Google Norway.

Program participants met with Yara’s President and CEO, Svein Tore Holsether, who shared his leadership experience before, during and after crisis. They also attended leadership presentations by Thommessen Managing Partner Sverre Tyrhaug and Mirha Sunagic, Associate Professor at USN School of Business.

All participants were paired across industries, based upon their personal interests and goals, to facilitate leadership dialogue, share best practices, and learn from one another through the nine-month curriculum. Throughout the program, one-on-one sessions focused on networking with intent, team leadership, communication skills, reverse mentoring, workplace motivation, and conflict resolution.


A New Season – Register Now!

With many of this season’s mentors already committing to the ’22-23 Mentorship Program, we are excited to be underway with planning and preparing for the next cohort of mentors and mentees, with a kick-off planned for Q2 2022.

The AmCham Mentorship Program offers a venue for delving more deeply into this mental exercise by offering both a sparring partner and thought-provoking group sessions. Mentors will select talented and aspiring colleagues from within their own companies to participate as mentees. Program participants will then be paired by AmCham across industries to facilitate the nine-month leadership dialogue.  

The Mentorship program is available to Patron-level members of AmCham Norway. For further information and interest in the program, please contact Margrethe.Harboe@amcham.no.

About the AmCham Mentorship Program

With its unique cross-industry orientation and global approach, the AmCham Mentorship Program offers a dynamic, internationally minded arena for leadership development.

The program pairs emerging corporate talent with seasoned executives from AmCham Patron-level member companies. The result: a collaborative arena that fosters improvement and reflection, prepares young leaders for the challenges of the international marketplace, and forges bonds between AmCham member companies.

Past Mentorship Program Events