Tag Archives: Accenture

Kapital: Accenture-sjefen – Norge må tørre å satse

Norge og Europa er mindre tøffe enn resten av verden hva gjelder den digitale transformasjonen, ifølge Accenture. – Jeg håper vi tør å satse nok, sier norgessjef Tonje Sandberg.

Konsulentgiganten Accenture livnærer seg på å digitalisere landet – og verden. Det er en prosess som kunne gått fortere, ifølge selskapets øverste sjef i Norge, Tonje Sandberg.

– Både før krisen, og nå, så har vi behov for å tørre å transformere og digitalisere oss i enda større grad, forteller hun.

Les hele saken HER.


Forbes: Who Are The 100 Most Sustainable Companies Of 2020?

A ranking of the organizations doing the most to embrace sustainable business practices was revealed Tuesday at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Compiled by Canadian research firm Corporate Knights since 2005, the Global 100 list ranks corporations with revenue in excess of $1 billion based on key metrics of sustainability, among them carbon footprint and gender diversity.

Topping this year’s list is Denmark-based renewable energy provider Ørsted. The first electricity company to earn the distinction of No. 1 climbed 69 spots since 2018 thanks, in part, to the way in which it has reinvented its business model over the past decade. “They completely revamped their core business from being a pretty coal-intensive utility to being almost a pure-play renewable power provider,” says Toby Heaps, cofounder and CEO of Corporate Knights.

Read the entire article HERE.

AmChams in Europe Transatlantic Conference in Washington, D.C. & Seattle

AmChams in Europe Transatlantic Conference in Washington, D.C. & Seattle

AmCham Norway recently participated in the annual AmChams in Europe conference held in both Washington, D.C. and Seattle.

The conference kicked off in the heart of the capitol at the US Chamber of Commerce, where participants including AmCham Norway’s Katja Dahl Murphy were briefed on the current state of transatlantic relations, trade policy, cybersecurity, global energy policy, and tax policy. The group also met with Pentagon and US Department of State officials.

The following day, participants met with Deputy Secretary Karen Dunn Kelley at the Department of Commerce, where they were briefed on USMCA, ongoing FTA negotiations, and US-EU trade negotiations. The group also visited the Atlantic Council, delving into current US-China relations and EU election consequences for the US-EU trade relationship.

Nordic – Pacific Northwest Partnerships

Managing Director Jason Turflinger then joined European counterparts in Seattle, taking part in meetings with Accenture, Amazon, Boeing, and Boston Consulting Group. Finally, at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, AmCham executives scrutinized the ethical use of artificial intelligence in various world regions and witnessed first-hand the latest technological developments within agriculture, public administration, and energy.

Together with AmCham leaders from Denmark and Finland, Turflinger also took part in the Nordic Innovation Summit, hosted by Seattle’s landmark Nordic Museum. In its second year, the expanding summit brought innovation leaders together to build upon robust Nordic – Pacific Northwest partnerships.