The world is facing an extraordinary challenge from the outbreak of COVID-19. The pandemic poses a severe threat to the health and wellbeing of citizens and the global economy with harmful consequences for all parts of society.
AmChams in Europe, the umbrella organization for 45 AmChams from 43 countries across Europe and Eurasia, fully support governments’ efforts to tackle the pandemic and mitigate its effects. The mobilization of resources has been unprecedented, and we need continued leadership to address the impact of the crisis on society. We call on our governments to focus on:
1) Solidarity – We are all in this together. Increased sharing of resources and information among our countries and globally is critical to address the pandemic successfully. Now is the time to demonstrate the values we share in Europe, across the Atlantic and with the rest of the global community.
2) Coordination – Governments need to enhance coordination across borders and within alliances to ensure a consistent and harmonized approach to the crisis but also to start setting the foundations of the economic recovery. Cooperation at the regional and global levels is vital as governments put together initiatives to protect our economies, and ultimately the livelihood of citizens.
3) Action – We need bold action to ensure access to critical goods and services we all depend on. In particular, the movement of goods across borders must be unimpeded. Much-needed goods rely on integrated supply-chains for production before they can be delivered to individuals and businesses.
AmChams in Europe are committed to doing all we can do to mobilize our member companies and our networks to support the economic recovery. We are coordinating with our colleagues across the European region and globally to put forward recommendations for a strong and sound economic recovery for the prosperity and wellbeing of all our citizens and businesses.
About AmChams in Europe
AmChams in Europe serves as the umbrella organization for 45 American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams) from 43 countries throughout Europe and Eurasia. In Europe we represent the interests of more than 17,000 American and European companies employing 20 million workers and accounting for more than $1.1 trillion in investment on both sides of
the Atlantic. As the bilateral voice of American and European companies, AmChams in Europe works to communicate the importance of the transatlantic economy in both Europe and the United States.
For a full list of members, please see below or click here.
AmChams in Europe
AmCham Albania
AmCham Armenia
AmCham Austria
AmCham Azerbaijan
AmCham Belgium
AmCham Bosnia and Herzegovina
AmCham Bulgaria
AmCham Croatia
AmCham Cyprus
AmCham Denmark
AmCham Estonia
AmCham to the European Union
AmCham Finland
AmCham France
AmCham Georgia
AmCham Germany
AmCham Gibraltar
AmCham Greece
AmCham Hungary
AmCham Ireland
AmCham Israel
AmCham Italy
AmCham Kosovo
AmCham Latvia
AmCham Lithuania
AmCham Luxembourg
AmCham Macedonia
AmCham Malta
AmCham Moldova
AmCham Montenegro
AmCham the Netherlands
AmCham Norway
AmCham Poland
AmCham Romania
AmCham Russia
AmCham Serbia
AmCham Slovak Republic
AmCham Slovenia
AmCham Spain
AmCham Sweden
AmCham Switzerland
AmCham Turkey (ABFT)
AmCham Turkey (TABA)
AmCham Ukraine
British American Business
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