
WTO says Trump’s steel tariffs violated global trade rules

Category: Business News

The World Trade Organization ruled on Friday that former President Donald Trump violated global trade rules in 2018 when he invoked national security concerns to justify his tariffs on steel and aluminum products from around the world. The Biden administration strongly condemned the decision, which it said was further proof that the WTO dispute settlement […]

Source: Politico


AmChams in Europe Meets in Washington, DC and Raleigh, NC

Category: Business News

An executive delegation of AmChams in Europe representatives is attending the annual 2022 US Conference between May 9-13. Executives and other AmCham representatives from more than 30 countries have assembled in a delegation to the U.S. capital, Washington D.C., and Raleigh, North Carolina. The international delegation is visiting Washington, D.C. to discuss policy with leading representatives of the […]

Source: AmChams in Europe


U.S. Chamber CEO Clark on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Category: Business News

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Suzanne P. Clark issued the following statement today on Russia invading Ukraine: “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a serious breach of international law, a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty, and an affront to our steadfast belief in a world where democratic countries, following the rule of […]

Source: U.S. Chamber of Commerce


Eksportmeldingen 2021

Category: Business News

I Eksportmeldingen 2021 har Menon utarbeidet et kunnskapsgrunnlag om norsk eksport. Diskusjonen om norsk eksport bærer ofte preg av misforståelser. Dette handler om hvor mye Norge eksporterer, hvem vi eksporter til og, ikke minst, hvorfor eksporten er så viktig for Norge. Eksportmeldingen har som mål å danne et saklig, objektivt og analytisk grunnlag for å […]

Source: Menon Economics


A Proclamation on World Trade Week, 2021

Category: Business News

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, it not only inflicted an enormous toll on American lives and livelihoods — it brought unprecedented disruption to the global economy as well.  That disruption represents a major threat to workers and employers in every community who rely on trade to grow jobs here at home, from small businesses that sell […]

Source: The White House

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