
F-35 and More: Half of Norway’s Defense Projects Late Due to ‘Time Optimism’


Category: Defense / Security

A delay in equipment delivery could potentially amount to years, which may undermine the country’s security at a time when the Norwegian Armed Forces are going through a challenging period of major transformations involving the highly anticipated switch to US F-35 fighter jets, which are slated to become the new backbone of Norway’s military. Roughly […]

Source: Sputnik News


Avgiftssjokk fører til røde tall og nedbemanninger


Category: Financial / Investment

Bedriftene som er berørt av avgiftssjokket på alkoholfrie drikkevarer og sjokolade- og sukkervarer, sliter nå i motbakke. I tillegg går den stadig økende grensehandelen direkte utover bedriftenes konkurranseevne. Det viser en fersk medlemsundersøkelse gjennomført av NHO Mat og Drikke. Stortingsflertallets vedtak om avgiftsøkning gir en direkte effekt på lønnsomhet, omsetning og bemanning i 1 av […]

Source: NHO


Google-skatt kan ramme norsk IT-næring


Category: Government

Det er meningsløst å lokke til seg IT-gigantene med den ene hånden, og deretter kakke dem i hodet med uforutsigbare særskatter med den andre, skriver Kjetil Thorvik Brun i denne kommentaren. Miljøpartiet De Grønne har fremmet et forslag om å utrede egne skatteregler for IT-giganter som Google, Apple, Amazon og Facebook. Mange har kritisert selskapene […]

Source: Abelia


IRS Announces End To Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program


Category: Accounting / Financial

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced that Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) is coming to a close. The program, which has been around in its current form since 2014, will officially end on September 28, 2018. That gives taxpayers a little over six months to come forward with previously undisclosed foreign financial assets. “Taxpayers have had […]

Source: Forbes


U.S. Chamber’s Donohue Comments on Prospects of Trade War


Category: Financial / Investment

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued the following statement today: “The U.S. Chamber is very concerned about the increasing prospects of a trade war, which would put at risk the economic momentum achieved through the administration’s tax and regulatory reforms. We won’t drive the economy to over 3 percent growth or continue […]

Source: US Chamber of Commerce

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