Shipping & Offshore

Boreplattformen på Johan Sverdrup på plass


Category: Energy

I helgen ble det 22.000 tonn tunge dekket til boreplattformen løftet på plass i ett eneste løft på Johan Sverdup-feltet. Equinor og Johan Sverdrup-partnerskapet er først i verden til å ta i bruk den banebrytende teknologien. Torsdag 31. mai seilte plattformdekket til boreplattformen på Johan Sverdrup-feltet ut fra Aibel i Haugesund til Bømlafjorden ved Stord. […]

Source: Equinor


DNV GL acquires 100% ownership of Presafe


Category: Energy

DNV GL announced today that it has acquired 100% ownership of the EU Notified Body DNV GL Nemko Presafe (Presafe), which was until today a joint-venture together with the Oslo-based testing and certification company Nemko. Presafe is an accredited Certification Body and EU Notified Body for Medical Devices and Hazardous Area Equipment. This move reinforces […]

Source: DNV GL


Return to $100 Oil Is ‘Far From Unlikely,’ Norway Minister Says


Category: Energy

Two years ago, western Europe’s biggest oil producing nation said no one should count on $100 crude coming back. Now Norway’s changed its tune. “It’s far from unlikely that we will see $100 again,” Petroleum and Energy Minister Terje Soviknes said in an interview in Oslo on Tuesday. Thanks to output cuts by OPEC and other producers […]

Source: Bloomberg


Autonomous Port Operations to Support Yara Birkeland


Category: Chemicals / Metals

Kalmar will deliver autonomous equipment, software and services for a unique, fully digitalized container handling solution at the Porsgrunn quayside in Norway for fertilizer company and shipowner Yara. This will mean that all the necessary operations related to the world’s first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland will be conducted in a fully autonomous manner, with […]

Source: Maritime Executive


Norway to provide an extra NOK 130 million for the fight against marine litter


Category: Government

‘Norway is playing a leading role in the global effort to eliminate marine litter. The Government is proposing to increase funding for Norway’s development programme to combat marine litter by NOK 130 million in 2018. This programme is a key element of the Government’s general focus on the oceans, and an important contribution to the […]

Source: Regjeringen

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