
Business Leaders Call on Congress to Accept the Electoral College Results

Category: Business News

This presidential election has been decided and it is time for the country to move forward. President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have won the Electoral College and the courts have rejected challenges to the electoral process.

Source: Partnership for New York City

Published: April 1, 2021


DNBs New York-kontor: Ser store muligheter med Biden som president

Category: Business News

NEW YORK (E24): Leder av New York-kontoret til DNB, Mats Wermelin, mener USAs nye president Joe Biden vil være bra for norsk industri.

Source: minE24

Published: December 21, 2024


E24: DNB Markets tror USA øker Kina-toll til 25 prosent

Category: Business News

Amerikanske myndigheter kunngjorde tirsdag at en del importvarer verdt rundt 160 milliarder dollar fra Kina blir unntatt ytterligere toll frem til 15. desember. DNB Markets venter imidlertid fortsatt en videre eskalering av tollen. Valutastrateg Magne Østnor påpeker i en oppdatering at utsettelsen er et tydelig tegn på at Donald Trump er under press, selv om […]

Source: E24


Bloomberg: Norway Labor Lawmaker Says He’s Open to Debate on Oil Policy

Category: Business News

For establishment politicians in Norway, discussing changes to the country’s oil policies is akin to swearing in church. That’s what happened this week, when the Labor Party’s top energy lawmaker, said he was open to debating taxes and incentives for oil companies, including a lucrative exploration cash refund. Labor is the biggest opposition party and […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: December 21, 2024


Signing of US – Norway Bilateral Maritime Arrangement


Category: Government

January 9th 2019, the United States and Government of Norway signed an Arrangement which advances maritime threat response collaboration between the two nations. At a ceremony, hosted by the White House National Security Council, the Arrangement was signed by the Norwegian Defense Attaché to the US Rear Admiral Ole M. Sandquist and the Director of […]

Source: Regjeringen

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