
Opinion: Should Norway’s Oil Fund Dictate Policies in Other Nations?


Category: Accounting / Financial

“Where does an 800-pound gorilla sit?” goes the riddle. “Wherever it likes,” is the answer. Norway’s $1 trillion wealth fund risks throwing its weight around in ways that exceed its authority, interfering in the sovereignty of other nations. This year, the fund has voted against remuneration proposals at more of the companies it holds stakes in, […]

Source: Bloomberg


Appeal to Halt Imbalanced Product Tax Implementation Pending Essential Consequence Analysis


Category: AmCham Norway

Today, Monday December 4th, AmCham sent letters to the Minister of Finance, Siv Jensen; Minister of Trade and Industry, Monica Mæland; Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie; and the standing committee on Business and Industry. We are expressing our concern about the dramatic tax increase proposed for non-alcoholic beverages, chocolates and some confectionery […]

Source: AmCham


U.S. Army Signs Kongsberg Order Valued at 330 MNOK


Category: Defense / Security

The orders with the U.S. Army are for delivery of additional PROTECTOR RWS Low Profile CROWS configuration for the M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank, Spare parts and engineering services. The orders are related to the CROWS contract signed in August 2012. The PROTECTOR RWS (Remote Weapon Station) Low Profile is a variation of the CROWS […]

Source: Military Technologies


Freia frykter nedbemanning når regjeringen øker avgiftene på sjokolade


Category: Food & Beverage

Norsk mat blir undervurdert hele tida, sier Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, leder av Senterpartiet. Han innrømmer at næringsmiddelindustrien står partiet hans særlig nært. Hån mot næringsmiddelindustrien Senterpartilederen er på ettermiddagsbesøk hos Mondelez Norge AS – mer kjent som Freia Sjokoladefabrikk. Grunnen er at regjeringen vil finansiere noen av satsingene i statsbudsjettet for neste år ved å […]

Source: Frifagbevegelse


Avgiftshopp setter norske arbeidsplasser i fare


Category: Food & Beverage

Svenske kjøpmenn langs norskegrensen jubler over økte sjokolade- og sukkervareavgifter i Norge. Taperen er norsk matindustri, som står tilbake med svekket konkurransekraft og arbeidsplasser i fare. Orkla har produksjon i mange land. Norge er blant våre viktigste satsingsområder, og vi har de siste årene investert mange hundre millioner kroner i våre fabrikker her i landet. […]

Source: Dagens Næringsliv

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