Category: Business News
Norway’s oil and energy ministry will streamline its name as the country looks beyond the hydrocarbons that today account for about a quarter of gross domestic product. From Jan. 1, Terje Aasland will take the new title of Energy Minister, the government said Monday, adding that the role of the ministry remains unchanged. The department […]
Source: Bloomberg
Category: Airline / Travel
Castlelake and its strategic partners including AirFrance-KLM, were selected to provide financing to SAS, as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. Castlelake will provide a tailored financing solution that demonstrates our 18 years of aviation experience, creative structuring capabilities and relationship-focused approach. Read more about the transaction in the official announcement here:–announces-the-winning-consortium-including-details-of-the-transaction-structure/ Read article here.
Source: Castlelake
Category: Business News
A budget to safeguard Norwegian households The budget for 2024 provides security and opportunity for people and businesses throughout Norway. There are expenditure increases in several areas due to war in Europe, a record number of refugees and higher prices. The Government’s priorities are good public services and support for the most vulnerable, along with […]
Category: Business News
Norske politikere har besøkt USA med mål om å få norske mineraler inn i den enorme skattepakken IRA. Delegasjonen besto av Bård Ludvig Thorheim (H), Øystein Mathisen (Ap), og Willfred Nordlund (Sp), som er medlemmer av Stortingets arktiske delegasjon. Nordlund er også leder for næringskomiteen. Målet var å prate om adgangen til det amerikanske markedet […]
Source: E24
Category: Business News
The U.S. and EU are racing to conclude a “Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminum” and avert a renewed outbreak of tit-for-tat tariffs. Here’s what is at stake. The U.S. and the European Union face a self-imposed October 31 deadline to conclude what officials are calling a Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and […]
Source: U.S. Chamber of Commerce