Business News

Empire Wind 2 offshore wind project announces reset, seeks new offtake opportunities

Category: Business News

Equinor and bp today announced an agreement with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to terminate the Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificate (OREC) Agreement for the Empire Wind 2 project, an offshore wind project in the US with potential generative capacity of 1,260 MW. This agreement reflects changed economic circumstances on […]

Source: Equinor


Flokk styrker posisjonen i USA betydelig

Category: Business News

Stolprodusenten Flokk har signert en avtale om å kjøpe USA-baserte Stylex. Flokk, som blant annet har fabrikk i Røros, er ledende europeisk produsent av kontorstoler og møbler, og styrker nå sin posisjon i det amerikanske markedet ved å kjøpe USA-baserte Stylex. – Stylex passer perfekt sammen med 9to5 Seating, vår nåværende USA-baserte merkevare, sier Lars […]

Source: Nea Radio Selbu/Tydal


2023: The year in figures and charts

Category: Business News

A look back at the last 12 months, through data. 2023 was marked by crisis, transition and conflict. As the war in Ukraine dragged into its second year, the EU was confronted with yet another conflict on its doorstep: The Israel-Hamas war, which brought fresh instability to the Middle East and exacerbated divisions between EU […]



FREYR Battery Receives Shareholder Approval for Redomicile from Luxembourg to the U.S.

Category: Business News

NEW YORK & OSLO, Norway & LUXEMBOURG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– FREYR Battery (NYSE: FREY) (“FREYR” or the “Company”), a developer of clean, next-generation battery cell production capacity, announced today that the Company has received the required votes to approve all proposals at its Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) on December 15, 2023. As a result, FREYR expects to complete […]

Source: FREYR Battery


Hill & Knowlton overtar Washington-seminaret

Category: Business News

For 23 år siden organiserte Kjell Terje Ringdal den aller første utgaven av Washington-seminaret.  Siden den gang har over 600 deltakere fra norsk næringsliv, organisasjonsliv og media deltatt på det årlige seminaret for å lære av og utfordre sentrale stemmer og personer i amerikansk politikk, media og næringsliv. – Det er selvsagt vemodig, men det […]


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