Business News

Norway and USA agree on additional agreed facilities and areas under the SDCA

Category: Business News

Defence Minister Bjørn Arild Gram and U.S. ambassador to Norway, Marc Nathanson, signed an amendment agreement under the Supplementary Defense Cooperation Agreement (SDCA). The agreement declares intent to establish eight additional agreed facilities and areas in Norway. Pending the consent of the Norwegian Parliament, these sites can be used by Norway, the United States and […]

Source: Regjeringen


How We Grew In 2023: StormGeo Shipping Product Updates – StormGeo

Category: Business News

Taking a look back at 2023, it has been a year filled with growth for the StormGeo community. As we rush into leading innovation in maritime technology for 2024, let’s reflect on our 2023 milestones and sneak a peek at what is coming in the new year. Where StormGeo focused on innovation in 2023: We […]

Source: StormGeo


Hun blir ny direktør i MSD Norge

Category: Business News

Andreea Mocofan tar over ledelsen av MSD Norge den 1. mars – med forbehold om saksbehandlingstiden for arbeidstillatelse ettersom hun kommer fra et EU-land, skriver MSD Norge i en pressemelding.  Mocofan, som skal lede 100 ansatte i Norge, overtar etter Muhammed «Mo» Ali, som fratrådte i fjor. Hun har ifølge selskapet bred erfaring fra PWC […]

Source: MedWatch


Equinor to take full ownership in Empire Wind through a swap transaction with bp in the US

Category: Business News

Under the agreement, Equinor will take 100% ownership of Empire Offshore Wind Holdings LLC. Subject to certain conditions, Equinor will also take over bp’s 50% share of the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal (SBMT) lease. Bp will take over Beacon Wind Holdings LLC and the associated project company that holds the Astoria Gateway for Renewable Energy […]

Source: Equinor


Bulk Data Centers unveils plan for data center expansion following unprecedented demand

Category: Business News

Kristiansand, Norway – 23rd January, 2024 – Bulk Data Centers, the leading provider of ultra-scalable, highly connected, and sustainable data centers in the Nordics, today announced that construction has commenced of a new 42MW data center facility scheduled for completion this year. “The rapid growth in occupancy at the N01 Data Center Campus underscores the undeniable demand for […]

Source: Bulk Infrastructure

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