Business News

Reuters: Lilly’s combo therapy succeeds in late-stage lung cancer study

Category: Business News

Eli Lilly and Co’s combination cancer treatment met the main goal of a late-stage clinical trial testing it on patients with a form of lung cancer, the drugmaker announced on Tuesday. Previously untreated patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer taking a combination of Lilly’s Cyramza and Roche’s erlotinib went longer before their disease started […]

Source: Reuters

Published: March 12, 2019


E24: Høyres Heidi Nordby Lunde mener at Petter Stordalens forslag til skatt på digitale tjenester kan bidra til jobbflukt og dobbeltbeskatning.

Category: Business News

– Jeg er ikke prinsipielt mot beskatning av utenlandske selskaper, men jeg må innrømme at dette ikke er spesielt gode forslag, sier Nordby Lunde.  Utspillet fra Nordby Lunde kom etter at Petter Stordalen denne uken la frem to forslag til Stortingets finanskomité om skatt for digitale selskaper, som Facebook, Google og  Høyre-politikeren mener at forslagene […]

Source: E24

Published: March 10, 2019


Oslo Business Region Releases Annual Oslo: State of the City report

Category: Business News

On March 5th, Oslo Business region launched their annual Oslo: State of the City report at an event held at Oslo City Hall. Drawing from a database of more than 500 global indexes spanning 20,000 data points, the report assesses Oslo’s current performance, covering topics such as Oslo’s emerging status in the green economy, startup […]

Source: Oslo Business Region

Published: March 5, 2019


New York Times: Norway Moves to Sell Some Oil and Gas Shares From Wealth Fund

Category: Business News

LONDON — The Norwegian government has recommended that the country’s $1 trillion wealth fund sell its holdings in a group of companies that focus on finding and producing oil and gas. The decision, the result of a two-year review of the giant fund’s investments in fossil fuels, is a compromise that stops short of divestment […]

Source: New York Times

Published: March 11, 2019


Gallup 2019 Report: Rating World Leaders

Category: Business News

Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of the leadership of the United States? Discover how the world views US leadership versus the leadership of Germany, China and Russia. Results are based on face-to-face and telephone interviews with approximately 1,000 adults, aged 15 and older, in each country or area. Between March and […]

Source: Gallup

Published: March 5, 2019

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