Business News

The Norwegian American: Equinor blows into the Empire State

Category: Business News

Norwegians were involved in building many of the skyscrapers in New York City in the old days. Now, it is time for some Norwegian construction at sea south of the city. Equinor Empire Wind won New York State’s first offshore wind electricity contract, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on July 18. The award is a win […]

Source: The Norwegian American


Ny rapport fra Roche: Fremtiden er persontilpasset – men når kommer fremtiden?

Category: Business News

Persontilpasning har alltid vært et ideal i medisinsk behandling. Å gi hver enkelt pasient den beste behandlingen krever at all relevant informasjon tas i bruk. Ved bruk av moderne teknologi som stordataanalyser og kunstig intelligens blir det mulig å finne sam- menhenger og mønstre som ikke er synlige for mennesker. Teknologien lager hypoteser og trekker […]

Source: AmCham

Published: July 18, 2024


DN: Norske OSM Aviation kjøper Flight Center US i Florida og tar mål av seg å friste langt flere kvinner til å utdanne seg til piloter


Category: Airline / Travel

– Hele flyindustrien står foran en dramatisk mangel på piloter. Det er behov for 100 nye piloter hver dag; dobbelt så mange som blir utdannet i dag, sier Espen Høiby i OSM Aviations i forbindelse med at selskapet har kjøpt Flight Center US i Fort Lauderdale i Florida. Skolen skifter nå navn til OSM Aviation […]

Source: DN


The Norwegian American: American College of Norway

Category: Business News

Did you know there is an American college in Norway? Founded in 1989 by Dr. Steinar Opstad, the American College of Norway (ACN) first opened its doors in 1992 to 24 eager and adventurous Norwegian and American students. Flash forward to 2019 and over 2,000 students from Norway, the United States, and beyond have taken […]

Source: The Norwegian American

Published: September 11, 2019


Bloomberg: Norwegian Voters Deliver Warning to Country’s Oil Industry

Category: Business News

Norwegian voters have fired a warning shot at the country’s oil industry. Parties that want to rein in the country’s golden goose made significant gains in Monday’s local elections. That raises the prospect of more advances for those forces that want to limit drilling in the Nordic nation, which supplies 25% of the European Union’s […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: September 10, 2019

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