Business News

US Chamber Statement on Impasse at World Trade Organization

Category: Business News

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 10, 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. — US Chamber Executive Vice President and Head of International Affairs Myron Brilliant issued the following statement on the impasse that will cause the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to cease to function this week: “Despite a number of challenges, the WTO and the […]

Source: US Chamber

Published: December 10, 2019


DN: Den amerikanske giganten Bain & Company kjøper det nordiske konsulentselskapet Qvartz

Category: Business News

Det er tidlig desember-morgen på Qvartz’ kontor ved Slottsparken i Oslo. De ansatte har hatt helgen til å fordøye at de har fått nye eiere langt borte fra. Det globale strategi- og konsulentselskapet Bain & Company med 10.500 ansatte kjøper den nordiske konkurrenten Qvartz. Qvartz har åtte norske partnere på Oslo-kontoret og 55 ansatte totalt […]

Source: DN

Published: December 10, 2019


Silicon Angle: Microsoft inks $5B cloud partnership deal with KPMG

Category: Business News

Microsoft Corp. today announced an important new partnership with the professional services company KPMG International Cooperative, which will use its cloud services to accelerate its digital transformation efforts. KPMG is another big win for Microsoft, since it’s known as one of the world’s “Big Four” accounting organizations, along with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd., Ernst & Young Global […]

Source: Silicon Angle

Published: December 5, 2019


SSB: Upturn in the Norwegian economy soon over

Category: Business News

Global economy experiencing slow decline The outlook for the global economy has improved in recent months. The likelihood of the UK leaving the EU without a deal is now significantly less, and the deadline for the Trump administration imposing import tariffs on European cars has now passed. Our forecasts for the international economy have therefore […]

Source: SSB

Published: December 5, 2019


Digi: Jan Grønbech går av som Google-sjef

Category: Business News

Jan Grønbech har sittet som Google Norge-sjef i 14,5 år. Det er lenger enn noen annen landssjef i Google. Nå er tiden moden for å finne på noe annet – akkurat hva vet han foreløpig ikke. Siden oppstarten av Google Norge i 2005, har Grønbech ledet sine ansatte og kunder gjennom perioder med enorme endringer […]

Source: Digi

Published: December 5, 2019

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