Business News

Regjeringen: Nikolai Astrup blir bærekraftsminister

Category: Business News

Digitaliseringsminister Nikolai Astrup får ansvar for å koordinere Norges oppfølging av bærekraftsmålene. I 2015 ble alle FNs medlemsland enige om 17 mål for bærekraftig utvikling. Bærekraftsmålene sier blant annet at verden skal bekjempe ulikhet, stoppe klimaendringene, sikre rene og sunne hav, og sørge for god utdanning for alle barn innen 2030. – Bærekraftsmålene gjelder alle land […]



FlightGlobal: All-Electric Quantum Air choses OSM to train its pilots


Category: Airline / Travel

OSM Aviation Academy, a Scandinavian training company with a location in San Diego, says that start-up air taxi operator Quantum Air has chosen the academy as a preferred pilot training partner. Los-Angeles-based Quantum Air said in August that it had placed an order for 22 of the four-seat eFlyer 4 electric aircraft from Bye Aerospace. […]

Source: FlightGlobal

Published: January 6, 2020


TV2: For første gang i historien har Norge et praksissamarbeid med NASA, tilrettelagt av Norsk Romsenter

Category: Business News

For første gang i historien har Norge et praksissamarbeid med NASA, tilrettelagt av Norsk Romsenter. Tidligere i november ble det klart hvem som skal reise til USA etter nyttår. – Vi fikk 19 søkere. Vi valgte ut de vi syntes var de beste kandidatene, det ble syv stykker, og sendte dem videre til NASA. Videre […]

Source: TV2


U.S. Chamber CEO: Action is the Only Option

Category: Business News

Donohue Rejects Notion That Nothing Can Get Done in An Election Year   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   January 9, 2020   WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas J. Donohue gave the annual State of American Business address, where he outlined top priorities for the business community in the coming year. During the event, […]

Source: US Chamber

Published: January 9, 2019


Reuters: After Tesla’s record year in Norway, rivals gear up for 2020


Category: Automobile / Transport

OSLO (Reuters) – New electric car sales in Norway rose by a third last year amid soaring demand for Tesla Inc’s (TSLA.O) vehicles, but the pioneering U.S. company will face a more competitive market in 2020 as rivals prepare to launch new electric models. Fully electric cars made up 42.4% of sales in the Nordic […]

Source: Reuters

Published: March 1, 2020

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