Business News

Reuters: GSK to collaborate with Oslo-based CEPI in effort to develop coronavirus vaccine

Category: Business News

British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline Plc is collaborating with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to contribute towards the effort of developing a vaccine for the coronavirus outbreak, GSK and CEPI said on Monday. GSK will make its “adjuvant platform technology” available for developing a vaccine against the 2019-nCoV virus, according to the statement. Read entire […]

Source: Reuters

Published: March 2, 2020


Money Control: Oslo-based CEPI Partners with US Biotech Companies to Develop Coronavirus Vaccines

Category: Business News

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) has announced the initiation of three programmes to develop vaccines against coronavirus. The programmes will leverage rapid response platforms already supported by CEPI as well as a new partnership. “The aim is to advance nCoV-2019 vaccine candidates into clinical testing as quickly as possible,” CEPI said in a […]

Source: Money Control


E24: Norsk frisørkjempe inntar USA

Category: Business News

– Det er spennende tider. Vi har jobbet med en spisset strategi, man kan ikke ta hele USA på én gang, sier Christinah Sandåker Nicolaisen som er daglig leder og styreleder i Raise Gruppen, konsernet bak Nikita. Norges største frisørkjede annonserte for flere år siden er interesse i det amerikanske markedet, og har nylig signert […]

Source: E24


Finansavisen: Kvinner er mer opptatt av lønn enn menn i følge ManpowerGroup undersøkelse

Category: Business News

Unge kvinner er mer opptatt av lønn enn unge menn. Det viser en undersøkelse ManpowerGroup har gjennomført blant over 1.000 arbeidstagere i Norge og Sverige.  Her svarer 20 prosent av kvinner mellom 25 og 34 at høyere lønn er den viktigste faktoren som kunne fått dem til å skifte jobb, mot 9 prosent av menn. […]

Source: Finansavisen


Reuters: Norway’s PM to appoint lawmaker Bru as oil minister

Category: Business News

OSLO (Reuters) – Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg will appoint Conservative lawmaker Tina Bru as oil and energy minister, business daily Dagens Naeringsliv and public broadcaster NRK reported on Thursday, citing unnamed sources. The office of the prime minister declined to comment. Bru was not available for immediate comment. If confirmed, 33-year-old Bru will oversee […]

Source: Reuters

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