Business News

Transforming for good – Top 10 Takeaways from Philip Morris International’s Integrated Report 2022

Category: Business News

Find out how Philip Morris International is making progress toward achieving its purpose and get detailed information about its strategic vision, performance, governance, and value creation. PMI’s sustainability materiality assessment is the foundation of its sustainability strategy—it allows PMI to identify, assess, and prioritize ESG topics. In line with the principles of double materiality,the concept […]

Source: Reuters


Norway wealth fund CEO says it is using AI to deploy capital

Category: Business News

NEW YORK, Nov 8 (Reuters) – Norway’s $1.4 trillion sovereign wealth fund is using artificial intelligence to help manage its investments, its CEO Nicolai Tangen said in an interview at the Reuters NEXT conference in New York. The fund invests the Norwegian state’s revenues from oil and gas production in equities, bonds, property and renewable […]

Source: Reuters


Norwegian Project Plans for World’s First Ammonia-Fueled Containership

Category: Business News

An innovative project in Norway seeks to build what could become the world’s first ammonia-powered containership. The vessel, which they expect to enter service by 2026, will be built in a partnership between Norway’s North Sea Container Line and ammonia-producer Yara International and its subsidiary Yara Clean Energy with the support of the Norwegian Government […]

Source: Maritime Executive


Input on the First Edition of TTC WG1 EU-U.S. Terminology and Taxonomy for Artificial Intelligence

Category: Business News

ANNOUNCEMENT  The EU and U.S. welcome input on the list of 65 key AI terms essential to understanding risk-based approaches to AI, along with their EU and U.S. interpretations and shared EU-U.S. definitions that was released as part of the Fourth TTC Ministerial in May 2023. Comments are especially requested on the completeness, relevance and correctness of the […]

Source: EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council (TTC)


Joint Statement from the United States and Norway on the High-Level Energy and Climate Forum

Category: Business News

The United States and Norway met on October 30, 2023, for the high-level U.S.-Norway Energy and Climate Forum to advance key bilateral priorities and joint interests including energy assistance to Ukraine, European energy security, the clean energy transition, and commercial collaboration, including critical minerals and diversifying supply chains.The United States was represented by high-level officials […]

Source: US Department of State

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