Business News

EuropeanCEO: Norsk Hydro Hilde Merete Aasheim shows her mettle

Category: Business News

The prominence given to environmental issues of late has placed a harsh spotlight on the commodities sector. The planet’s raw materials are finite, and harvesting them can often be cheaper than recycling. The environmental cost is usually ignored. Nevertheless, the aluminium industry has not performed too badly in terms of sustainability. A staggering 75 percent of all […]

Source: EuropeanCEO


San Diego Union-Tribune: Thermo Fisher set to produce test kits that can diagnose COVID-19 in four hours

Category: Business News

Thermo Fisher Scientific, the world’s largest manufacturer of laboratory equipment, has announced that it has received emergency authorization to produce coronavirus test kits that can diagnose within four hours. The company — based out of Waltham, Mass., with West Coast headquarters in Carlsbad — said the Food and Drug Administration’s approval late Friday will allow […]

Source: San Diego Union-Tribune


Bloomberg: Jones Act waiver floated as a stimulus for U.S. oil companies

Category: Business News

U.S. oil companies battered by the crude price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia are encouraging the Trump administration to waive a law that mandates only American vessels can be used to transport goods among U.S. ports. A temporary waiver of that law, known as the Jones Act, “can allow American producers to move domestic […]

Source: Bloomberg


Aftenposten: Ny Roche koronatest åpner for massetesting i Norge

Category: Business News

Den første av to nye maskiner som gjør det mulig å teste langt flere nordmenn for koronasmitte, ble fredag satt opp ved Oslo universitetssykehus på Ullevål. Den andre Sveits-produserte maskinen kommer til Norge fra Tyskland mandag. Den skal stå ved Akershus universitetssykehus (Ahus). Dette er et nytt og svært viktig bidrag i kampen mot koronaepidemien […]

Source: Aftenposten


Starbucks: Tomorrow Will be Spring: One Global Company’s Steps to Navigate COVID-19 in China – and the Lessons Learned

Category: Business News

Shortly before the Chinese New Year, Belinda Wong hung up the phone after a series of calls with her team. Alone in the quiet of her home, she contemplated everything they’d discussed. They were wrestling with a decision that would become one of the most momentous in Starbucks history. As chairman and chief executive officer […]

Source: Starbucks

Published: March 5, 2020

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