Category: Business News
The corona pandemic and the efforts to contain it in large parts of the world have had substantial impact on economic activity globally and thereby also for oil demand. In the current unprecedented situation cuts in oil production introduced by the government will contribute to a faster stabilisation of the oil market compared to letting […]
Category: Business News
OSLO (Reuters) – Norway proposed on Thursday to temporarily ease tax rules for oil firms to try to prevent a collapse in investments due to the coronavirus pandemic and a related collapse in crude prices. The plan could boost the liquidity of oil companies by as much as 100 billion Norwegian crowns ($9.7 billion) over […]
Source: Reuters
Category: Business News
The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted a heavy toll on the United States in lost lives and mounting economic hardship. While our resilience is unquestionable, the pandemic has laid bare the inadequacies of some aspects of U.S. preparedness, and policy changes are clearly warranted. But will we embrace the right solutions? A number of lawmakers have […]
Source: US Chamber
Category: Business News
– Vi har fått inn 18 500 nye doser av pneumokokkvaksinen vår til Norge, etter å ha satt alle mann på dekk for å få det til. I forbindelse med COVID-19 har Folkehelseinstituttet understreket sin anbefaling om at eldre og personer med nedsatt immunforsvar bør ta vaksine mot lungebetennelse. Mange nordmenn ønsket å følge rådet, og […]
Source: LMI
Category: Business News
The European Commission, under its President, Ursula von der Leyen, is to hold a virtual donor conference to mobilise political and financial support for efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The Coronavirus Global Response Summit will be held on 4 May, and Prime Minister Erna Solberg will be one of the co-chairs. ‘We welcome the European Commission’s […]