Business News

TechnipFMC vil kutte 700 stillinger i Norge

Category: Business News

TechnipFMC opplyser mandag om beslutningen overfor E24. – Vi ser at aktiviteten i markedet blir betydelig lavere de neste årene – vi snakker om en nedgang på i overkant av 30 prosent, sier kommunikasjonsdirektør Lars Ole Bjørnsrud. Av de 3.100 som jobber i TechnipFMC i Norge vil opp til 700 nå miste jobben, opplyser selskapet. […]

Source: E24

Published: May 4, 2020


gCaptain: ARC Wins Major Global Household Goods Contract from U.S. Transportation Command

Category: Business News

U.S.-flag ro-ro carrier ARC has been awarded a major contract to provide global relocation services for the Department of Defense and U.S. Coast Guard. The Global Household Goods Contract, valued at over $7 billion, was awarded to ARC this week by the U.S. Transportation Command. ARC is a subsidiary of Oslo, Norway-based Wallenius Wilhelmsen.  After […]

Source: gCaptain

Published: May 1, 2020


Regjeringen: Koronapandemien hovedtema i samtale med Pompeo

Category: Business News

Utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide skulle denne uken ha besøkt Washington, D.C. for samtaler med blant andre utenriksminister Mike Pompeo. I stedet møtte hun i dag sin amerikanske kollega til en telefonsamtale. Håndteringen av Covid-19 var en av hovedsakene i utenriksministerens samtale med Pompeo. – USA er spesielt hardt rammet av pandemien, men Covid-19 har store […]



Washington Post: Upbeat news on a possible coronavirus treatment powers U.S. stocks, lifting Dow more than 500 points

Category: Business News

Small but significant scientific advances against covid-19 sent stocks bursting upward Wednesday, all but ignoring sobering data that shows a U.S. economy in paralysis. Stocks are on pace for one of their best months in decades as the United States ramps up coronavirus testing and states take steps to emerge from the weeks-long lockdown. Wednesday’s rally picked […]

Source: Washington Post


Press Release: Reducing oil production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf

Category: Business News

The corona pandemic and the efforts to contain it in large parts of the world have had substantial impact on economic activity globally and thereby also for oil demand. In the current unprecedented situation cuts in oil production introduced by the government will contribute to a faster stabilisation of the oil market compared to letting […]


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