Business News

CNN: Historic plane to transport Thomas Waerner home to Norway after dog musher left stranded in Alaska

Category: Business News

What to do when you’re stranded in Alaska by a global pandemic and are trying to get back home to Norway — with 24 dogs in tow. It’s been quite a three months for dog musher Thomas Waerner, who tells CNN Sport it’s the kind of a story he’ll remember until the day he dies.   […]

Source: CNN

Published: February 6, 2020


Great Place to Work 2020: Cisco kåret til Norges nest beste arbeidsplass – går helt til topps i den internasjonale kåringen

Category: Business News

Medarbeiderundersøkelsen Great Place to Work viser at Cisco Norge scorer nest høyest (Kategori: 200 – 499 medarbeidere) av samtlige arbeidsplasser i Norge. Samtidig er Cisco kåret til det beste selskapet å jobbe i globalt. – Vi kunne av naturlige årsaker ikke møtes fysisk for å feire dette, så da tok vi heller festen med våre […]

Source: Cisco


Innlegg i DN: Equinor betaler skatt der verdiene skapes

Category: Business News

I en artikkel i Dagens Næringsliv 23. mai rettes det kritikk mot at Equinor har selskaper i USA registrert i staten Delaware. DN har beklaget at Equinor ikke fikk anledning til å kommentere i artikkelen, og det er bra. Vi ønsker derfor å presisere følgende: Equinor betaler skatt til de delstatene i USA der verdiene […]



CNN: The Arctic explorers locked down in a tiny hut in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago


Category: Airline / Travel

(CNN) — When Hilde Falun Strom and Sunniva Sorby began a long-planned expedition in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard last September, their main goal was to encourage conversation around climate change in the polar regions. After spending close to nine months collecting data and samples for researchers in remote Basembu, situated 140 kilometers from the “nearest […]

Source: CNN


Defense News: Senate confirms Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite

Category: Business News

WASHINGTON ― The U.S. Senate confirmed a new Navy secretary, Kenneth “K.J.” Braithwaite, by voice vote on Thursday. Braithwaite, a former ambassador to Norway and executive for American oil and health care companies, assumes the job after financier Richard V. Spencer was forced out of office amid a fight with the White House and senior defense […]

Source: Defense News

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