Business News

Norwegian Seafood Council: Celebrating 50 years of modern aquaculture

Category: Business News

This spring marks the 50th anniversary of the first ever successfully farmed salmon in Norway. Five decades later we look back on a story of ambition, collaboration, setbacks and successes, culminating in a fish which is now a favourite on dinner plates across the globe. From its humble yet ambitious beginnings along the coast of […]

Source: Norwegian Seafood Council


Reuters: Norway oil firms slash investment plans amid pandemic

Category: Business News

OSLO (Reuters) – Norwegian oil and gas investment, a key economic driver, is expected to decline sharply in 2021 after rising less than previously anticipated this year, an industry survey by the national statistics agency (SSB) showed on Thursday. The biggest drop will come in the exploration for new reserves and in spending on development […]

Source: Reuters

Published: June 4, 2020


MAREX: BV, DNV GL Launch Infection-Prevention Certifications for Cruise Ships


Category: Airline / Travel

Two leading class societies are helping the passenger vessel sector restore operations by rolling out new certifications for infection prevention measures. Class has played a key role in certifying safety since the Age of Sail, and many class societies have diversified into certification for shoreside sectors as well – like healthcare and hospitality. Both DNV […]

Source: MAREX

Published: April 6, 2020


E24: Norges Banks milliardkjøp vekker internasjonal interesse

Category: Business News

I juni vil Norges Bank kjøpe kroner for 2,3 milliarder per dag. Det er det høyeste noensinne, og skjer for å dekke økte utgifter til redningspakker i coronakrisen. Pengene tas fra Oljefondet, som er investert i utlandet, og må derfor veksles inn i norsk valuta. – Vi har fått en del spørsmål fra utenlandske hedgefond […]

Source: E24


VOA: Companies Send Message in Support of Nationwide Protests

Category: Business News

U.S. companies typically are quiet during protests. Not this time.   Technology, banking, apparel and entertainment firms issued messages of support for those demonstrating against police treatment of black people.   “I am shocked by the number of executives who have spoken up for the first time,” said Kellie McElhaney, a professor at the Haas […]

Source: VOA

Published: June 1, 2020

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