Business News

Reuters: Norway PM says will not ease COVID-19 restrictions yet

Category: Business News

OSLO (Reuters) – Norway will not yet ease restrictions designed to counter the novel coronavirus even though the spread has been slower recently, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said on Friday. “Even if the infection numbers are coming down, we can’t say that we have landed safely yet… we have to be sure that we maintain […]

Source: Reuters


Reuters: Equinor to cut jobs in U.S., Canada and UK following oil price fall

Category: Business News

OSLO (Reuters) – Norwegian oil and gas firm Equinor is set to cut jobs significantly in the United States, Canada and Britain to adjust to a fall in oil prices, a company spokesman said on Wednesday. The group plans to cut employee numbers in those countries by about 20% and contractor numbers by around half […]

Source: Reuters


Shifter: Airthings kjøper opp Airtight: Navnet var ikke den eneste likheten

Category: Business News

Airthings har de siste årene vokst seg store på luftsensorer og radonmåling. Selskapet startet med å utvikle enkle trådløse radonmålere, men satser nå på et bredt spekter av produkter og tjenester knyttet til måling av luftkvalitet. Nå kjøper de opp Airthight, et norsk proptech-selskap som utvikler smart sensorteknologi for å redusere energitap i bygninger. – Sammen med […]

Source: Shifter


SSB: The decline in the Norwegian economy in the second quarter was the deepest ever recorded

Category: Business News

Seasonally adjusted figures from the national accounts show that Mainland Norway’s GDP rose 3.7 per cent in June, after 2.2 per cent growth in May. The level of activity was still just under 6 per cent lower in June than in February, due to large declines in March and April. Growth in the second quarter […]

Source: SSB


Americans Can Vote Wherever They Are: It’s Easy to Register and Request Your Ballot Today!

Category: Business News

By Melissa Aaserud, US Embassy in Norway Overseas citizens, active duty military members, and their families are encouraged to register and request their ballot as soon as possible to avoid potential mail delays or other disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic response.   The Federal Voting Assistance Program, (FVAP), recommends military and overseas voters use the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) at […]

Source: US Embassy in Norway

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