Business News

Reuters: Microsoft in deal with Equinor for Norway CO2 storage project

Category: Business News

Microsoft Corp has signed a memorandum of understanding with Norway’s Microsoft Corp has signed a memorandum of understanding with Norway’s Equinor to explore the use of a carbon dioxide storage facility as the tech firm seeks to erase its carbon footprint, it said on Wednesday. The world’s largest software company pledged in January to remove […]

Source: Reuters


Bloomberg: Norway Oil Strike to End After Mediation; Crude Extends Drop

Category: Business News

A strike that shut down about 8% of Norway’s oil and gas output will end after successful mediation talks, said Norwegian Oil and Gas Association spokesman Kolbjorn Andreassen. The settlement will restore production at six fields already shut down by the dispute and prevent an escalation to another six over the weekend. Those facilities pump […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: October 12, 2020


OffshoreTechnology: Aker Solutions secures work at ConocoPhillips-operated North Sea fields

Category: Business News

Norwegian engineering and contracting firm Aker Solutions has secured a three-year contract extension for maintenance and modifications work from American multinational energy company ConocoPhillips. Norwegian engineering and contracting firm Aker Solutions has secured a three-year contract extension for maintenance and modifications work from American multinational energy company ConocoPhillips. The contract extension is to an existing […]

Source: OffshoreTechnology

Published: September 11, 2020


Pressemelding: Regjeringen lanserer eksporthandlingsplan

Category: Business News

Regjeringen lanserer i dag eksporthandlingsplanen “For og med norsk næringsliv”. Les eksporthandlingsplanen her. For å bygge et sterkere samarbeid med næringslivet, vil regjeringen samle kompetanse i en ny enhet for eksportfremme som går under arbeidsnavnet Business Norway. – Eksportbedriftene skaper arbeidsplasser og verdiskaping i Norge. Nå er de inne i en krevende periode, og vi […]

Source: Regjeringen

Published: October 6, 2020


World Oil: Norway kicks off construction of world’s largest floating offshore wind farm

Category: Business News

Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Kværner apprentice Arne Linga started construction of Hywind Tampen, a floating offshore wind farm, at Kværner Stord. The technology project opens up new opportunities for Norwegian industry. Prime Minister Solberg and Linga started the cutting robot on the project’s first sheet of steel on Thursday, 1 October. Kværner’s assignment will […]

Source: World Oil

Published: October 1, 2020

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